If you are reading this, then chances are you’ve decided to be an affiliate marketer online – and not just an average affiliate marketer but a good one.
Since you’re that person then make sure you read this page to the end because, by the end of it, you’ll be equipped with the right knowledge, tools
Hi, my name is Jason Foster and I’m the founder here at Smart Human Blogger.

I am an affiliate marketer, SEO enthusiast and overall passionate online business owner who likes helping other people to get started with their own online business.
I’ve been earning money online as an affiliate marketer since 2014 and still doing it up to this day.I learned most of the SEO affiliate skills I have by following the two main training courses at Wealthy Affiliate.
They currently provide one of the best services for people to learn effective affiliate marketing online.
It is through either one of these PROVEN training courses that you can learn how to truly become an affiliate marketer.
Here are the courses I’m referring to:
- The Online Entrepreneur Course (OEC) and…
- The Affiliate Bootcamp Course.
Below I will explain both courses so that you’ll have a better understanding of what each one is and which will suit you the best.
RELATED: Is Affiliate Marketing Hard?
1. Online Entrepreneur Affiliate Training – Best For Newbies
The online entrepreneur training course teaches you how to build your own affiliate website based on a passion, hobby or a topic that you are interested in or have some experience with.
And the good thing is that this course takes the newbie-friendly approach; assuming that you know nothing at all.
From the beginning of the training, you are provided with 2 free fully functional WordPress websites so that you can implement what you

There are a total of 5 courses included in the entrepreneur online training.
These 5 levels contain 50 step-by-step lessons which are ideal for any newbie to follow and implement.
Kyle Loudon is the main person teaching the course and he is also one of the two founders of the wealthy affiliate platform. The other owner’s name is Carson Lim and he handles most of the technical aspect of Wealthy Affiliate.
Kyle shows you every step you need to take from scratch through his HD videos tutorials, professionally written texts, and he also gives you tasks to tick off so that you’ll be able to gauge your progress in the course.

As you can see from the screenshot below, I have fully completed the entrepreneur training.
Most of what I’ve learned about ranking affiliate niche sites online, I have learned from this same course.
And I show great gratitude because, without this knowledge, I wouldn’t be able to find success by promoting goods and services online using the power of free SEO affiliate marketing.

Many other members have taken this course and are finding success by promoting other peoples products and services on their own websites.
Most of them promote products from affiliate networks such as Amazon Associates, Clickbank, AvantLink, CJ Affiliate by Conversant Marketplace, ShareASale, and many, many others.
Some of these people will often times share their success by blogging about it inside the wealthy affiliate community where it’s visible for other
You can check out this 2019 Wealthy Affiliate member’s Income Proof List to see the latest shared updated success blog posts of some of these people who have taken the entrepreneurship course.
Fully completing this course and implementing what you learn will put you on the path to earning good affiliate commissions from whatever goods or services that you choose to promote.
Affiliate Marketing Millionaire – (WA Member)
One of the biggest success examples I want to share with you of someone who started his affiliate marketing career at Wealthy affiliate without any experience, and has now managed to build up a million dollar business is from one of my colleagues Dom Wells over at Human Proof Designs…
You can read his full blog post here where he shares how his business blossomed into a million dollar company since joining wealthy affiliate…

His main business focuses on building ready-made niche websites and selling them to customers who want to get a quick start in affiliate marketing without having to build up the business from scratch.
Some of these websites are already aged and are ranking in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
This makes it convenient for customers to pick up a site of
You will find his story both helpful and inspiring so go check out his blog post when you get a chance to do so.
You can also visit his site humanproofdesigns.com if you think you’ll be interested in their services.
2. Bootcamp Affiliate Training – For People With Experience
Meanwhile, the other course; the Affiliate Bootcamp teaches people how to successfully market products and services specifically in the affiliate marketing/business opportunity niches.

This is the course which will be ideal for you if you already have some experience promoting affiliate marketing or biz ops products but haven’t been able to be
As you can see from the screenshot below, there are 7 courses included (also known as phases)
These contains a total of 70 lessons (each phase with 10 lessons each).
I personally didn’t go through phase 1 of Bootcamp because it basically covers almost the same foundational setting up of your business which is in the “getting started phase” in the online entrepreneur training which I showed you earlier.
And I did not go too much into PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising) because I prefer to focus my energies on getting free targeted organic traffic using up my SEO skills which I learned in the other phases instead of paying Google to get rankings.

What you’ll learn from this course is truly powerful stuff!
This is the main course that many super affiliate marketers that you may have stumbled upon while doing your due diligence online have gotten their skills from.
Many of them are earning 4,5, and 6 figures per month by mostly promoting the Wealthy Affiliate Platform like my colleague Jerry from the Smart Affiliate Success website…

There was even a false rumor being spread online by competitive marketers (mostly haters and negative people) claiming that wealthy affiliate members are only able to be successful if they are promoting the platform itself.
But that is so far from the truth and you will see the proof for yourself when you read the success stories that many members have already shared.
Just like this one from my friend Ralph (WA user name RD40) who isn’t actively promoting Wealthy Affiliate but rather promoting products in the weight loss/health niche…

…Or even this blog post from John who recently made almost $4K in one day promoting other affiliate products…

So as you can see, people are actively earning lots of money by following either the online entrepreneur training or the Bootcamp training simply by recommending other people’s products and services.
It’s really up to you to choose which direction you want to head in.
Do You Have What It Takes To Be An Affiliate Marketer Online?
So from what I have shared with you so far, do you think you have what it takes to become an affiliate marketer online?
You may be excited and eager now to get started, however, I’d like to offer you some words of wisdom before you jump in…
You see, the truth is that many people who get started out in this business are not going to be very successful with it at all – as a matter of fact, many people usually quit when they are almost at the point of success.
Listen, don’t let something like this to happen to you…

If you are going to take the route that I and many other successful affiliate marketers have taken, you will need to approach this with a long term business mentality.
That means you’ll have to expect that it will take time for you to start earning frequent affiliate commissions.
This is even after you have been producing content on your website for weeks and months.
So don’t expect to start ranking in Google with just a few pages and posts.
But the good news….Google will eventually start giving you some love once you are creating helpful SEO optimized content on your website.
The more you produce these type of content, the more your ranking will naturally increase.
And don’t just take my word for it
Industry experts such as the same Kyle from Wealthy Affiliate recently shared a Facebook Post addressing this same topic.
Please take a few seconds to read it below…

From my experience, you need to have around 30 posts to start getting some Google
And yeah, I know that it can be totally frustrating, however, this is the reality of this business. You just have to exercise patience.
Affiliate marketers who understand this fact, are the ones who are reaping the wonderful benefits of the hard work that was put out in the beginning stages.
In Closing
I really hope that you will be able to use this information to your advantage and take action on it.
Remember, knowledge without action is useless in the mind of the person who possesses it.
Affiliate marketing is a life-changing opportunity which is making ordinary people become online millionaires and I am so so thankful that I discovered this business model for myself.
You have been provided with what I think is the best training out there for you to be an affiliate marketer online and make money doing it.
After all, that is what you want right?
If you are serious about this then here’s what you should do next:
Click the button below to create your account and start your preferred training.
Once you are on the inside, you will have access to your dashboard just as I am showing you below.
Click on the training button to your left to bring up the Online Entrepreneur training as well as the affiliate
Click on the one you would like to take and get rolling.

The first 10 lessons of each course are free for you, but just so you know, the entire training won’t be free.
You have the option to upgrade to the premium membership so that you can unlock all the features and tools.
I will be in touch with you inside the affiliate community ASAP to help you with any questions you may have.
Catch up with you soon,
Jason @ Smart Human Blogger