*This post contains affiliate links. Click here for more info.
Hey folks! Jason Foster here and thank you for clicking through my link to check out this post.

Today I want to share with you this wealthy affiliate service review so that you will get a clear understanding of what you’ll have access to as a member of this renowned & mostly successful affiliate marketing training community.
I want you to first know that I have been a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate since September 2014 and I have come to know the ins and outs of the entire platform and have seen my share of success due to the training that I received there.
And of course, I have made mistakes and seen failures along the way, but I have learned from them.
I am happy about the high level of service that they keep providing and feel blessed to share this important information with you.
So without any further delay, let’s start by going into the main Wealthy Affiliate services that I use to help run my online businesses.
Also, if you like, you can sign up here for free so that you can test out these services and follow along to build up your affiliate website business.
Table of Contents
ToggleSite Rubix – Professional Website & Hosting Platform

I use the Site Rubix website builder at Wealthy Affiliate to build most of my websites thus far (including this one).
What I like about it is that it makes creating a website real easy – all you have to do is choose the kind of website you want to build and proceed with the guided process which usually takes less than a minute.
You get to choose to build a website on a free subdomain: eg. yoursite.siterubix.com…
Or on a domain that you already own eg: mydomain.com

The software also has an option to register a domain name just like what you’ll find at other domain name registrars such as Godaddy and Namecheap.
So, therefore, if you want to buy a .com, a .org, or a .net domain name, you will have the convenience to do so right from the Site Rubix dashboard within Wealthy Affiliate.
The price for these domain names are industry standard (price ranges from $13 – $16 per year) and as a premium Wealthy Affiliate member, you can register up to 25 subdomains and up to 25 domains.
Also know that there is hosting included.
Easy Integration with WordPress.org
The Site Rubix software integrates with WordPress.org which is good because WordPress.org is the most respected, popular and overall best content management systems online.
With over 18,000 extensions (also called plugins) and over 14,000 free design templates included – you can use them to change the look of your site and increase its functionality.
You can compare the Site Rubix website builder to popular Wix and Weebly website builders, but the difference is that they do not come equipped with the extra services such as Site Manager, Site Feedback, and Site Comments.
If you want a detailed comparison between these 3 website builders, then go check out this detailed review here.
You will clearly see why Site Rubix is the top choice for building WordPress websites.
The Content Writing Service At Wealthy Affiliate Is Easy To Use and Effective
Site Rubix also has a relatively new feature integrated into it called Site Content…

This feature allows you to write, spell check and publish content directly from Wealthy Affiliate without having to log in to your WordPress dashboard.
It tracks the number of words you have written and also comes with some ready-made templates to help build out important pages on your site such as the About me page, Contact Page and the Privacy Policy.
When you are ready to publish the content, all you have to do is click “Publish”
There will be a dropdown arrow allowing you to select the website that you want to add your content to…

Another cool thing about Site Content is that you get access to over 1 million high-quality royalty free images which you can use on your website without having to worry about copywright infringement.
I must say that the founders; Kyle and Carson have done a great job here by collaborating with Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay to get these free images for all members to use.
Top Keyword Research Tool : Jaaxy

As you may already know, a good keyword tool is essential to your success as an affiliate marketer.
Without it, you will most likely have a hard time coming up with profitable keyword ideas for your website.
Before you write any content on your site, you need to know details about the keyword such as the number of people searching for it and also the competitiveness level.
The Jaaxy Keyword tool is what I use to find low competition keywords which I am able to write articles about and rank in Google relatively easy.
You can try it out for free below and come up with some ideas for a niche of your choice…
Jaaxy can be accessed right from the Wealthy Affiliate dashboard by clicking on “Research” (#1 from the image below)
This pops up a window which enables you to do your keyword research while still on the Wealthy Affiliate platform (#2 from the image below).
Another way for you to access Jaaxy is by clicking on the Jaaxy Dashboard button (#3 from the image below).
This opens a new window to view the full Jaaxy site.
I personally prefer to access Jaaxy on the full site because it allows me to have a bit more focus when doing my keyword research.
Doing it inside WA tends to be a bit distracting because there is so much activity going on at any given time.

Not only does Jaaxy help me to find keywords, but it is also the tool I use to check and track my rankings in Google, Yahoo and Bing as well as researching my competitors.
There are also many other helpful features available in Jaaxy that is geared toward you getting more proficient with doing keyword research.
I highly recommend that you use this keyword research service to help you with finding keywords which will bring in traffic to your website.
Wealthy Affiliate Website Hosting – The Faster Hosting Speed

The Wealthy Affiliate website hosting service is not widely known, however, it is one of the best-managed WordPress hosting services that you will find online.
The hosting fee is included in the $49 per month premium membership which includes the main 2 training: The Online Entrepreneur training course and the Affiliate Bootcamp Course.
I explain these two courses in my post about “how to be an affiliate marketer” so feel free to check it out by clicking on the link above or right here.
I must say that the Wealthy Affiliate hosting is a great deal, especially when compared to other hosting providers on the market.
You can check out the chart below to see it compared side by side with Pagely, WP Engine, and Pressable…

Site Support Service @ Wealthy Affiliate
The Wealthy Affiliate Site Support service is one that is appreciated by the majority of Wealthy affiliate members.

I find that they are a reliable group because they take great pride in getting back to members in a timely manner.
The professional team behind the scene helps members whenever time there happens to be some technical problem with their website.
I remember some time ago that I was unable to login to one of my websites…
What I did was to send a message to the site support team informing them of what had happened.
In less than 5 minutes they replied and informed me that there was a DDOS attack against the server which the site was being hosted on.
What they did to promptly rectify this problem was to move the site over to a more secure server.
Since then, I haven’t encountered any other problems like this and I am grateful that they were able to help so swiftly.
It’s just a good feeling knowing that the site support team is there whenever technical website problems arises.
Site Comment Service – Increases Search Engine Rankings

As an affiliate marketer, I know how important getting comments on posts and pages are.
Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing uses this as a factor when they are ranking websites.
Basically, the more comments and engagement you get on your website, the more chances you have to get better rankings.
The Site Comment feature inside Wealthy Affiliate allows me to request unique and engaging comments on any page or post that I need it on.
I notice that some of these posts which I request comments for do tend to improve in rank so that’s a clear indication showing me that it does work.
Although this is not the most important ranking factor in Google’s eyes, it still helps to give my website a little boost here and there.
Still, I personally prefer to focus most of my energy on creating the most helpful, EPIC content for my readers – this is what Google really loves 🙂
Site Feedback – A Great Way To Improve Your Website

The Site Feedback service inside Wealthy Affiliate is often times confused with the Site Comments feature.
I usually see new members getting this mixed up, so let me do a bit of clarification just in case you are going to use it in your business strategy…
Site Feedback is basically when you request feedback from other members regarding the look, navigation, and functionality of your website.
When people provide honest feedback, this can help you to make necessary changes which will enhance the overall user experience on your site.
The only thing that I don’t like about Site Feedback is that at times, newer members without any real world affiliate marketing experience will give feedback and sometimes the “advice” they give will hurt your site instead of helping it.
If you use this feature to get feedback on your site, make sure that you verify the information that you are receiving is correct.
Sometimes you can do a little Google research to confirm this or contact more experienced members such as Kyle, Carson, Jay, or myself to make sure that you are getting the right advice.
A great way to reach out to other experienced members who can help you out with feedback is by clicking on the rank number on your profile…

This link will take you to the top ranking 200 members that you can reach out to for help.
You can also reach this same page by going to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/rank
Here is a current list (March 2019) of the top 10 ranking members at Wealthy Affiliate…

These are all people whom I have a good relationship with and can vouch for when it comes to getting true expert help inside WA.
It is also a good idea to add these members to your following so that you can build a good business relationship with them.
You’ll be able to send private messages as a premium member to anyone listed there, including the owners Kyle and Carson.
Other Wealthy Affiliate Services To Help You Thrive

Wealthy Affiliate provides other helpful services that you need to be aware and take advantage of.
I will discuss 2 of these below…
The first one I want you to know about is the weekly live webinars conducted by the live video coach (Jay aka Magistudios) every Friday at 5pm EST (Or Saturday depending on where you are located in the world).
You can find these webinars by clicking on the “Live Events” link on your Wealthy Affiliate dashboard…

These webinars tackle important topics in the SEO affiliate marketing industry, WordPress Industry, Social Media Marketing, Google updates, and any other online marketing related topic that you can think of.

I find these webinar invaluable to my business because they keep me educated as it relates to important changes in the online affiliate marketing industry.
Use Live Chat To Get Instant Replies To Your Questions!
The next service I would like you to know about is “Live Chat”.
You can use this feature to ask any business related questions and get answers, or just have a friendly conversation with other members:

But again, remember to verify any answers that you get because not all the time you will be getting factual responses.
There are other Wealthy Affiliate services such as sending a private message to any other premium member, the ability to submit a question which will be seen by the entire community, the ability to create blogs, training, and more.
Join Wealthy Affiliate Here =>
What I have covered here for you are the main services that you’ll have access to as a wealthy affiliate member.
Whenever time new features are rolled out, I will make updates on this page so that you can stay up to speed.
Keep in mind that the 2 core training which I mentioned earlier is what should be the main focus when it comes to building up your online business with the help of Wealthy Affiliate.
They contain the necessary step by step tutorials which will show you how to use all these services and how to build up a sustainable affiliate website step by step – one that you can make money with and will be proud of.
I hope that my wealthy affiliate service review has added value to your life.
Thank you so very much for reading and I’m looking forward to meeting and networking with you.
If you have not yet signed up for your membership, then you can do so right on this page.
Click this link (my helper link to help you 1-on-1) to sign up for your account and I will personally help you out on the inside.
Also, feel free to leave a comment below with any questions you may have.
I am here to help you!
Jason Foster
Founder: Smart Human Blogger.
UPDATE: Affiliate Program Platform Service Added To Wealthy Affiliate!

As I said above, I would update this Wealthy Affiliate Service Review with any new services that I see Kyle and Carson adds to the platform.
This new service is the Affiliate Program Platform.
What this does is makes it easy for all Wealthy Affiliate members to search and find relevant affiliate programs in their chosen niche.
Newbies will find this service feature quite helpful because they can now simply go to the affiliate platform tab from their dashboard and search for products and services to promote on their sites…
I have already used this feature to find and sign up for the Grammarly affiliate program and it was quite easy to do.
Within a few hours, they approved my account and now I am able to get my affiliate links to recommend it to anyone who needs it.
If you write anything on a computer, you NEED Grammarly, so make sure to get it installed on your computer ASAP. Highly recommended.
Please use my affiliate link to get it. Thanks.
Just go to SmartHumanBlogger.com/grammarly and get it free.
Now, as it is with any new feature introduced at Wealthy Affiliate, Carson or Kyle will write a blog post explaining exactly how to use it and you also have the ability to ask questions below that same blog post and get answers just in case there’s any confusion.

Kyle and Carson are always looking to make life easier for all of us as Wealthy Affiliate members and this is something you are going to notice very quickly once you are inside!
So, that’s if for now.
I am sure that there will be more services added to Wealthy Affiliate in the coming weeks, months and years ahead, and I will be sure to add them here for you and others to see.
Thanks again an I hope this helps.
Let’s connect!