Chris Winters Kallzu Ads: Does It Work?

Chris Winters Kallzu ads

Lately, my inbox has been receiving a steady stream of emails from Greg Jacobs, an internet marketer, enthusiastically promoting Chris Winters’ Kallzu Ads training program.

Perhaps you’ve found yourself in a similar situation, having noticed these emails or even encountering advertisements for the training on platforms like Google or social media.

Chis Winters Kallzu Ads
Emails from Greg Jacobs

Speaking of Chris Winters and his Kallzu Ads venture, my curiosity was piqued after watching a video webinar where he shared an intriguing personal journey and demonstrated a strong grasp of his subject matter.

Admittedly, his sales page had me captivated, and I was on the brink of diving in headfirst.

Chris Winters Kallzu Ads
Chris Winters

But, as is often the case when faced with tempting opportunities in the online space, a healthy dose of skepticism kicked in. Given the prevalence of scams and deceptive offers, it’s become second nature to exercise caution and perform due diligence before taking any leap of faith.

Let me clarify, I’m not casting doubt on the legitimacy of his training. Based on my observations, there’s no indication of any fraudulent activity. However, considering the sea of “shiny objects” in the digital realm, it’s only prudent to tread carefully and ensure that any investment is well-founded.

And here’s an open invitation to you: if you’ve taken the plunge and enrolled in Chris Winters’ Kallzu Ads training, I encourage you to share your experiences in the comment section below. Whether your feedback leans negative or positive, it holds immense value for our community. Your insights can guide others who are standing at the crossroads of a decision, uncertain about whether to take the plunge themselves.

In the grand tapestry of online opportunities, transparency, and shared experiences serve as guiding lights for those navigating the often intricate terrain of investments.

So, I invite you to lend your voice and contribute to a collective pool of knowledge that empowers individuals to make informed choices. Your input can make all the difference for someone considering whether to pull the trigger or not.

My investigations…

One of the very first places I went to investigate was the KallZu Ads Facebook group page…

Chis Winters Kallzu Ads

To join the group, I had to pay the price for the full course (which I didn’t).

What I personally don’t like about online training such as KallZu Ads is that they don’t offer at least a free limited version so that people can get a taste of it before jumping all the way in.

And I know that there is a 3-pay option, but still, there could have been a “try before you buy” option like those you have access to in the iPhone stores.

Oh, and I get it that Chris may want to filter through the broke people/tire kickers and get to the people who have big dollars to invest right off the bat, but you get my point…

Chis Winters Kallzu Ads

As you can see from the KallZu Facebook Ads coaching group above, you definitely have to purchase the course by going to the web address: before you can be accepted.

It’s the link where I watched the webinar which broke down the Google Call Only Ads model which I must say is quite brilliant.

See the visual model explained here >>

You can also watch the full video replay here or below if you have not yet done so…

I also contacted several of the persons on FB messenger who were featured in the webinar as testimonials.

So far, one person has replied and you can see a little exchange of our conversation below…

Chris Winters Kallzu Ads
FB Messenger 1
Chris Winters Kallzu Ads
FB Messenger 2

Even though everything looks & sounds quite fine and dandy with Kallzu Ads, I always notice ONE thing about online training in general:

They make everything sound SO easy.

They almost never tell you the difficulty you will have to endure when you actually get down and start building your business.

Therefore, I have a question that I need to know the answer to – and maybe those of you who have been through the training may be able to answer:

Working with local businesses

First of all, if I decide to go the route of contacting local businesses directly (plumbers, dentists, lawyers etc), how easy is it to find and work with them?

And aren’t they already bombarded with other marketers calling them consistently?

Chris Winters Kallzu ads
Easy or hard to find?

The reason why I ask is that I remember when I was just starting out with my Amazon FBA business when I was looking for suppliers, most of them ONLY worked with brick-and-mortar businesses and not online sellers like myself.

It was very difficult to land a deal and this would get me frustrated at times.

So I would like to get some solid feedback on this aspect of the Google Call Only Ads model.

What I think and what I am doing at the moment

Judging by what I have seen so far, I have to say that the whole concept is another great online earning opportunity.

The idea of delivering calls to local businesses and getting paid for it is just quite thrilling!

And Chris offers two options in his video…

  1. You can contact the business owners directly, or…
  2. You can work as an affiliate where you don’t need to speak to anyone.

Even though I have not made an investment in the training, it’s still possible that I may do it soon.

For now, I will continue to focus on affiliate marketing and building up my Amazon FBA business selling name-brand products.

These are 2 business models that I really love and it’s always a good idea to have multiple sources of income coming in to sustain a certain lifestyle.

Affiliate marketing is the business with the lowest barrier to entry and still one of the most profitable where anyone can start with little or no investment at all.

If you like, you can sign up to work with me and my team to build you an online business together.

Get Started By Clicking Here

Now to conclude…

I hope that current & past members of the Chris Winters Kallzu Ads coaching group will be able to chime in and share their honest experiences as it relates to the training, support, and tools available inside the member’s area.

I want to keep this as an open forum where anyone searching online for unbiased answers will be able to get it right here.

If I happen to enroll, I will be sure to document my journey with you and it will help you to make a sound decision.

And as usual, I want to encourage you to keep going towards high goals in life.

There are so many great opportunities online that can easily replace the typical 9-5 grind.

A lot of ordinary people are taking full advantage of it and you are able to do the same.

Think about what you have an interest in or what you are passionate about because this will make the journey a much more pleasant one.

Thank you for taking your time to read and I also want to thank Greg Jacobs for sending me those emails because without them this post would not be possible.

Talk soon,


Founder: Smart Human Blogger

5 thoughts on “Chris Winters Kallzu Ads: Does It Work?

  1. The only joke is your post here. I’ve been a member for over 9 months and I’m breaking even on my affiliate campaign at the moment. Not great, but I know that success always depends on me and my determination. If I can’t make it happen, that is on me and only me.

    But I wanted to say something regarding their support. I’ve been a member of many seo/marketing groups and theirs are the best you can get. It’s preferred to ask common questions via their dedicated email, so they can properly manage all the tickets.

    I must admit with one thing. Negativity is not welcomed there. But expulsion is exactly what I would do with people like you.

    1. Thanks for your comment Michal, and it’s good to see that the Kallzu Ads training has worked for you.

      It does seem like your comment is in response to LaQueefa’s comment below?

      Next time you can hit the reply button below any comment which you would like to respond to and it will show up in the right format.

      Thanks again for chiming in with your honest feedback.

  2. LaQueefa,

    Very interesting. Can you comment on how long were you a member and share more detail experience with the course? Did you ever do anything with the training? What was your previous experience?

    Did you put in the work?

    What is your work experience?

  3. It’s a scam. You can’t ask questions in the group. Any negativity is punished by expulsion. Their “support” is a JOKE. Everything is outsourced and good luck getting an answer to anything.

    Save your money. All this info is on Youtube, anyway. There are no secrets.

    1. Thanks for your comment Laqueefa.

      But why exactly do you say that Kallzu ads is a scam? Could you expand a little bit more on this?

      Did they not provide the training inside the course?

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