Digital Prosperity Movement Review – The Truth About DPM

Digital Prosperity Movement Review

I appreciate you coming by to check out my Digital Prosperity Movement Review!

I’ve dedicated my time to preparing this review, and after this, you’ll be able to make your judgment as to whether Digital Prosperity Movement is a Scam or Legit.

I’m sure you’ve been looking for honest and legitimate ways of making money online, and I’ve gone out of my way to offer you such ways of making money online.

Being your boss is what everyone in online ventures wants to do. But do legit ways exist? That is what I’m going to demystify in a few minutes.

In other words, platforms like Digital Prosperity Movement leverage on strategy referred to as attraction marketing through social media to ease the recruitment of more individuals to a different MLM going by the name Enagic.

This platform will enlighten you on how best you can showcase yourself as a successful entrepreneur on social media networks to persuade other individuals to “live a life of their choice.”

As such, you have a high possibility of selling exorbitant water filter units that cost an arm and a leg. Plus, you’ll also get a commission for any sales that the platform goes on to make.

But in this review, I’ll pinpoint everything you need to know regarding this company including its operational strategies, which the platform is suited for, and if or not it’s profitable, not to mention whether it’s worth your time!

That said, let me break everything down for you.

Summary of Digital Prosperity Movement Review

Company’s Name: Digital Prosperity Movement (DPM)

Founder:  James Francis Hey

Cost (for you to join): $105 (lifetime membership)

Any success story: Hard to come by, but read the review to find out everything

Recommended: I’ll talk about this towards the tail end of this review

If you need an alternative way of making money online, follow the link below!

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If you don’t have an idea about what I’m talking about, I’ll put it this way; Digital Prosperity Movement is a marketing strategy akin to
lure fishing.

Overview of Digital Prosperity Movement

Now, let me take you through an overview of DPM to enable you to get what I’m talking about.

DPM is an arena that offers training programs to promote the multi-level marketing (MLM) company known as Enagic.

However, before I can take you further, I need to point out something; I’m sure that most die-hard ENAGIC are not happy with what I’ve said.

To make it clear, Enagic isn’t an MLM since it is “Network marketing” or “Direct Selling.”

Let me show you the explanation about the difference that exists between direct selling and MLM company from the Federal Trade Commission.

This means that Enagic distributors cannot be the employees since they are just tasked to recruit salespersons to the company and make them part of their chain.

To clarify all the information, here is a video I found helpful about the Digital Prosperity Movement that will go a long way in simplifying how it works.

Check out this video that offers you so additional information regarding the DPM; it won’t take a lot of your time. The section we have highlighted shows the inside of DPM, barely five minutes!

There are even other programs that will assist you in getting individuals into Enagic. Check them out;

  • Ace Initiative
  • Build Your Empire
  • The Freedom Era
  • Global Affiliate Zone
  • Free Life Movement
  • CEO Movement

Keep note that I have just offered you some examples; other different training programs will assist sales people to promote Enagic.

To be sincere with you, I don’t understand why there are tons of training programs that show people how to make money from Enagic. Could there be some signs of being a scam? Hold your horses; you’ll find out in a moment.

But most programs usually get very bad ratings eventually, and the founders want to begin it fresh and be ranked at the top.

But let’s get deeper a bit…

Is DPM a Pyramid Scheme?

I’ll answer this without any contradiction; the Digital Prosperity Movement isn’t a Pyramid Scheme.

DPM offers its users education, especially on how they take advantage of social media to lure people into buying products of Enagic.

Keep note that Enagic isn’t a pyramid scheme since all of its distributors have the opportunity to make money by just trading their exorbitant water filter systems.

Let me take you through a direct definition of a pyramid scheme for clarification…

I’ll use a picture below to make you understand what a pyramid scheme is:

The Corporate Finance Institute image points out that it’s not possible for all members in the pyramid scheme to make money in the company.

That is the exact reason why this business idea is mostly banned in most countries…

So, should I say that the Digital Prosperity Movement is a scam? I’ll answer you now. I’ll let you also know if it’s legit or not!

Practically NO, DPM is not a scam since you’ll be given a product in exchange for your hard-earned money that is an online training course that will show you how you can run ads and so on.

Any problem with this?

Yes, the training academy offers you training to get more people to join the program, which makes the validity of the whole platform questionable.

The MLM strategy allows you to earn money using your onboard recruits.

I’ll not beat around the bush; I’ll call a spade a spade, most individuals that join or get involved with such information training programs and the course will earn little to NO money or RESULTS alike – and this is even apparent for the MLM’s.

And I’m not the one who put out this; I’ve the below disclaimer, which is one of the websites that seem to be promoting such a business venture.

After conducting thorough research, I was fortunate to land
on tons of websites with various domain names.

Almost all had similar sales
pages, marketing Digital Prosperity Movement, which makes me conclude that many
individuals who join this program eventually promote it.

Digital Prosperity Movement Review

Of course, these websites are not 100% alike, they have more than one thing that makes them to be connected to their goals.

I know how hard it is to make money online, especially when you’re a beginner, and given that many websites claim to offer you money instantly, yet in the real sense, they siphon money from your pocket.

If you need to take a step, and learn clear and direct way of making genuine money online, click on the below link!


Who is Behind the Digital Prosperity Movement?

Years back, a group of individuals who were initially owners of the CEO movement – an MLM company- opted to come up with their company, a cut-and-copy of their former MLM company.

At that time, the now popular Digital Prosperity Movement and different other organizations emerged. Other related companies were like Level Up Your Life in Lockdown and Digital Freedom Movement.

I have tried my best to understand these companies in detail, but my struggle has proven futile, and whether or not the companies are a rebrand of different websites remains a mystery.

But one fact with these companies is that they are all Multi-Level-Marketing companies.

They look alike, and if you can glance at them, you’ll note that they are emanating from the same person.

James Francis Hey and Note Wells are some top founders of these companies, but they aren’t the only ones.

From there, I’ll need to take you through some of the unique features of the Digital Prosperity Movement.

Key features of DPM

Of course, it is always a good thing to know what you are paying for, which prompted me to offer you some key features with this product.

I’ll let you know what you’ll get just after you’ve paid for this program.

Keep an eye!

#1. One on One Mentorship

Don’t get me wrong, the one-on-one mentorship I’m talking about here doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be mentored with an EXPERT.

In this program, your recruiter is the mentor who will coach you – which is sometimes referred to as upline.

As such, it implies that you need to be very cautious because, at times, you may be recruited by someone who has also started and wants to entice you as much as possible to ensure you stay on the platform while they earn money out of your struggle.

#2. Thirty Minutes One-On-One Coaching Call

I also need to point out that this isn’t mandatory for the course, but you’ll be able to access a coach from the person who recruited you from Digital Prosperity Movement.

Before you can accept or join in, you must be careful since they entice you with many returns. I had earlier been duped into entering a deal that was good to be true, BUT thanks to my research ability, that made me be ahead of their tricks.

I don’t mean that DPM uses tricks, but overall, it is good to be on the lookout.

#3. Live Training Session on Weekly Basis

DPM boasts of offering online sessions where you can link and be trained by people who have succeeded with this program.

BUT, here I’ll also advise you to take your time and avoid making haste, lest you become the hunted.

You can try this Making Money Online Option if you’re very agitated and need to make money, WITHOUT paying any entry fee, NOT a pyramid scheme, NOT an MLM.

#4. Global FB Community

With this group, you’ll be linked with members of DPM, and you can get help and share ideas.

I’m sure most programs offer this, and it’s not a feature to explain it more.

#5. Auto-Online Sale Machine

Again, with DPM, you’ll be in a position to know how to automate your marketing using some particular tools like ClickFunnels that make work

Even though you’ll need to handle weekly tasks to make the machine work, the automatic online sale process will offer a seamless workflow.

#6. Sales Training Academy and Digital Marketing

With DPM, you’ll learn how to market the program in places such as social media.

Here, you’ll get to acquaint yourself with easy ways of making your site that will make your promotion work.

Further, you’ll be in a position to understand how to use social media channels like Instagram and Facebook to get traffic to the product.

Here, you’ll also learn easy ways to use Campaigns and Facebook Ads.

How Much Should You Pay to Join the Digital Prosperity Movement?

The cost of training in DPM is 77 euros. But with this lowest cost, you’ll be curtailed with the things you can do.

With this cost, you’ll access a private Facebook group and access training that implies that if you need to make money with DPM, you’ll be required to incur charges of a licence for distribution.

Few membership levels will enable you to market the product, and the minimum cost begins at 600 euros.

And you can see, to have full ownership, you’ll have to incur an exorbitant cost, which in my opinion isn’t a good option for starters.

If you’re starting, you can check out what I’ve got in store for you!

That said, who is DPM ideal for? 

Let me give you a well-thought-out answer.

Digital Prosperity Movement is ideal for individuals who need ways of making money through the MLM system; plus, it suits the needs of
people who need to do FB ads.

I’ll insist, this program IS NOT ideal for individuals who need to start earning money, and they have no money to pay for the huge minimum entry cost.

Because it needs a colossal amount of money, it is true that your chances of getting back your investment won’t be a good option if you’re a beginner, particularly for MLM companies.

Is DPM A Scam?

I’m certain that this is a part that everyone needs to get a straightforward answer. Well, that is also what I want to answer you without taking much of your time.

I know that no one needs to get a program that will waste their time and get their funds lost without gaining anything.

The perfect answer to the program is that DPM isn’t a SCAM, and again, it isn’t a pyramid scheme.

And I’m not saying so in vain, here are the key reasons to support this;

#1. It has products that it sells

Though the platform might be likened to a pyramid scheme, but it features products that sells exorbitantly, but it is much concern with promoting the Digital Prosperity Movement more than the product.

#2. They’ve creators

The program offers two of its creators, and also the fact that the model is in existence, means that it has a truth in it.

Pros and Cons of DPM

What I like about it

  • Comes with a 14-day money back guarantee
  • Offer you some training courses that help you to build your own website

What I didn’t like about it

  • It only sells very high-ticket products
  • Require additional investment including Paid Ads, ClickFunnels, and Autoresponder
  • You don’t have a full control of the system
  • It is hugely focused on enticing members to join
  • The platform has a higher membership cost
  • The products being sold are pretty expensive
  • The return rate for investment is very low given that it is an MLM business model

My Best Recommendation

As I have pointed out above, DPM isn’t a SCAM, but it
demands a huge amount of money.

And that is why I recommend this platform to individuals
who already have experience with online marketing and have money to spiral into a
higher level.

If such skills are the ones you own, then it means that
you’re ready to begin earning REAL MONEY.

But there are many other options that I have personally
tested and found to be working right, yet without the risk of losing your
hard-earned money.

I don’t offer ways of making quick money, but I offer simple
and working ways of EARNING GENUINE MONEY.

I usually stand on the side that recommends genuine and
proven methods of earning money online.

If you can spend 10 minutes of your time checking out my
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