Land Profit Generator Review: Can You Make Money With This?

Land Profit Generator Review

First of all, thank you for coming by to read my Land Profit Generator Review. 

Who doesn’t like a lucrative business? 

Land flipping is one business you can expect to reap bountifully. 

But now, the problem is that you need to invest highly in such a business model. 

Are you interested in learning how such a model works?

There are training courses offered by experienced individuals out there. 

Fortunately, I’m reviewing one of those courses called Land Profit Generator. 

So, if you’re here, and you need to know everything about this course, you’ve come to the right place.

It is always good to do underground research for any opportunity offered online; in so doing, you’ll have information before committing your finance to a particular program. 

And that is how people avoid SCAMS and go for a profitable business online. 

You’ll agree with me; finding a legitimate way of making money online takes effort and time.

But it’s better to take time and get a legitimate way of making money online. 

Before moving an inch further, I need to point out something. 

I’m not in any way affiliated with Land Profit Generator.

Rather, I’ll offer you my HONEST review. 

I hope the review I’ll offer you will go a long way in allowing you to make a well-informed decision. 

Without further ado, let’s plunge in…

Summary Of Land Profit Generator Review

Name of the Product: Land Profit Generator

Type of Product: Land Flipping Training Course

Website’s URL:

Founders: Jack & Michelle Bosch

Cost: $2,497 – $8,000

Suitable for? Individuals who are interested in flipping land

Recommended: No


Land Profit Generator Review

Land Profit Generator is a training course that guides getting into the land flipping business. 

Though it is a lucrative business model, it requires you to invest a lot of money to get started. 

Essentially, the course offered represents this business model because it demands a lot of money. 

If you didn’t know, the course would demand up to $8,000. 

But if you are okay with this business model and have no problem paying for the cost, the business could be for you. 

However, there is a less expensive and direct way of making money online. 

If you are cautious and don’t want to spend a lot of money doing business online, you’re not alone. 

I was also there sometimes back. 

And after years of experience, I can confidently offer you a blueprint that has taken me places.

Check out this opportunity of doing business in an affordable and legit way; click the button below:

Land Profit Generator Review

Who Are Behind Land Profit Generator Course?

Land Profit Generator Review

Jack and Michelle Bosch are the minds behind Land Profit Generator. 

The two are a couple who moved to the US in the 90s; Michelle came from Honduras, while Jack came from Germany. 

Also, the two have MBAs, plus, they earlier worked for reputable Fortune 500 companies. 

Because they were eager to get a better and more lucrative business to live the life they hoped for while shifting to the US, they opted to try their luck in land flipping. 

As opposed to house flipping, this business model came with fewer complexities. 

The turnover is quick with land flipping, unlike house flipping, which may take a long to indefinite time. 

After 18 months of doing the business, the couple was already millionaires from flipping over 5,000 properties. 

On their YouTube channel, they offer very helpful advice at no cost. 

Although I may say that the couples are trustworthy, you can still do thorough research before completely trusting these people. 

Making money online should not be challenging because here with me is a complete guide that will take you through some basics of business online. 

At least, the guide a step by step, and you can learn a lot even as a beginner.

Check it out:

Land Profit Generator Review

Land Profit Generator Explained

Land Profit Generator is a well-known online course established by two like-minded couples, Jack and Michelle Bosch. 

This course is a revamped form of another course they had before, popularly referred to as Land Profit Formula

Besides, the training program was established when the housing market collapsed, which implies that the course was established at a period when you could reap big from a regrettable circumstance undergone by some individuals. 

This kind of niche doesn’t come with many courses developed for it, which implies a very narrow niche. 

From the look of things, it could be the same reason why you’d find many people trying to leverage such an opportunity that avails itself. 

The course will offer you a complete guide regarding land flipping. 

Further, the Land Profit Generator comes with three different programs, namely;

  • The LPG Success Package
  • Land Profit Maximizer
  • The Land Profit Coaching

Land Profit Generator Review

The Land Profit Generator Success Package

To start with is the success package that offers you the necessary tools like a platform that will help you regulate and monitor your land deals.

This is one of its basic packages that they implore you to start with. 

Here are some items that will be entailed in the package:

  • Investment Dominator CRM (Free for four months, you start paying $197 per month).
  • Land Profit Generator Online 2.0.3 (Letters and contract templates involved in the land deals).

Land Profit Maximizer

Including the above package, it also comes with a two-day session to provide you with additional in-depth information on how this land business works. 

The Land Profit Training

This coaching is a premium package that entails a huge amount of content. 

All things in the package are added, plus even other extra bonuses. 

Unfortunately, the cost of this package isn’t specified on the site. 

The way they do business is; they’ll need you to request a chat before you can be offered the pricing of the package. 

The cost of this package will be higher because it will have:

  • One-on-one coaching with their top advisors
  • Seven times group gathering every week
  • You’ll be offered a personal coach that you can call anytime you need.
  • You’ll be invited to join a 2-day workshop.
  • Offered a membership in an application management system for an entire year
  • 13 modules with textual and videos assistance
  • Upgraded documentation to help you in scaling your platform 
  • From there, let me take you through this other section.

What Does Land Profit Generator Teach?

As I mentioned earlier, this course trains you about land flipping.

Unlike real estate flipping where you would mostly target properties with homes, this one entirely deals with land. 

You’ll be in search of the land that people wish to sell. 

For example, a person could have purchased a certain land sometime back, and currently; they opt to sell it because they don’t care for it anymore. 

And the reason you major in such kinds of properties is the fact that you’ll get this land at a lower price. 

No negotiations or anything of such kind; it’s like you’re helping them out. 

The advantage of such a technique is that it costs you way less money, plus it involves less bureaucracy. 

Is Land Profit Generator Worth It?

Undoubtedly, this course is priced exorbitantly.

Surprisingly, their site has many success stories, but I’ll not advise you to depend on that feedback.

Check out some success stories from its website:

Land Profit Generator Review

In my opinion, the best place you can know the reality on the ground is on social media platforms because people usually tell out their personal experiences with such programs. 

Unluckily, most programs like Land Profit Generator are ahead of time since they have created Facebook groups where individuals come out and boast their success stories to lure others into buying the course. 

But be that as it may, while dealing with an online opportunity, you should exercise caution when searching for testimonials as a rule of thumb.  

The good thing with social media is that if something goes amiss and someone posts, it will not face any moderation like the case on the website where positive reviews are usually considered. 

Who Is This Course Suitable For?

For people interested in entering into a land-flipping model, this course can be a place to start. 

But in that regard, if you don’t have enough capital for this business, you shouldn’t even think of making good money with this course.

It demands dedication and serious capital.

But if you’re a serious person, but you can’t manage to raise high capital, I still have an opportunity for you.

Online comes with endless opportunities, but only if you become dedicated.

Affiliate marketing offers a huge opportunity, but you should do it the right way.

I’ve offered you some tips that will propel you to those heights that you’ve always yearned to reach.

Check it out:

Jason Foster

Why I Don’t Recommend Land Profit Generator?

Of course, as I have said earlier, land flipping isn’t that cheap. 

Unlike other businesses that you start with a small amount of money, you’ll need to inject thousands of dollars into such a business model. 

For that reason, you can only enter into such kind of business if you’re loaded, and if you’re starting, you should not think of this business option. 

Plus, even if you have a lump sum amount of money that can pay for the course, I don’t think you’ll be doing yourself good by opting for this because you’ll need a side hustle. 

In other words, this course is only ideal for people who have a great interest in the land flipping and have some pocket change. 

If you want to save a lot of money while venturing into online space to do business, I can offer you the best alternative to start earning money online. 

That now takes me to ask this biggest question:

Is Land Profit Generator A Scam?

In my honest opinion, I think Land Profit Generator is not a SCAM

The problem with this course is the fact that it is very expensive.

If you decide to go for this course, you need to stay committed, lest you lose your hard-earned money. 

Let me now take you through what I like and don’t like about this program. 

What I Like About Land Profit Generator

  • The business model is lucrative, and you can be sure to make a handsome amount of money, but only when you do everything right using the appropriate strategies.
  • Feature legit trainers: Jack & Michelle seem to have come a long way with the flipping land business.
  • They offer good support: It provides enough support and all your questions can be answered faster and precisely. 

What I Don’t Like About Land Profit Generator

  • The course is very expensive: Other affordable ways of making money online are there. Imagine you’re required to pay over $8,000 for just a course. 
  • The business model is somewhat complex: Flipping land is, of course, not of the direct ways of making money; you’re required to possess skills for doing such related businesses. 

Now that you’ve gotten the most information about the Land Profit Generator course, you should now choose your way. 

But I’ll NOT end this article without giving you my recommendation.

My #1 Recommendation

In my opinion, I’ll not even try Land Profit Generator for the reasons I have stated above. 

Online offers endless opportunities to do business, although finding a genuine way is not easy as you might think. 

Every day you’ll hear people claiming that they were scammed while trying to make ends meet online. 

Now that must come to an end.

I’ve always immersed myself in the online space, and I know what works and what doesn’t. 

Though I won’t assure you of easy money, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll never be scammed after learning these simple tips for making money online.

Click the button below to get acquainted with what I’m saying.  

Land Profit Generator Review

FAQs About Land Profit Generator

Is the Land Profit Generator suitable for both part-time and full-time investors?

Yes, the Land Profit Generator is designed to accommodate both part-time and full-time investors.

It provides flexibility for individuals who want to diversify their investment portfolio or make land flipping their primary focus.

How does the Land Profit Generator help me find off-market land deals?

The program provides strategies for building a targeted seller list and effectively marketing to potential land sellers.

This process enables you to discover off-market land opportunities that are not widely available to the public.

Can I use the Land Profit Generator to invest in land remotely or in different states?

Yes, the program equips investors with the knowledge and tools needed to invest in land remotely or across various states, making it possible to tap into land opportunities outside of your local area.

What makes the Land Profit Generator stand out from other real estate investment courses?

The Land Profit Generator stands out due to its exclusive focus on land flipping, comprehensive training, and support provided by industry experts, Jack and Michelle Bosch, who have a proven track record of success in this niche.

Are there ongoing fees or subscriptions to access the Land Profit Generator resources?

The program offers different packages, including a one-time purchase of the course.

There are no ongoing subscription fees, but participants may choose additional resources or support options as they see fit.

What level of support and guidance can I expect as a Land Profit Generator participant?

Participants can expect ongoing support through resources, webinars, and a community of like-minded investors.

The program emphasizes helping participants scale their land-flipping businesses effectively.

Are there any risks associated with land flipping, and does the program address risk management?

Like any investment, land flipping carries inherent risks.

The program provides insights into risk management and strategies to minimize potential downsides, helping participants make informed decisions.

One thought on “Land Profit Generator Review: Can You Make Money With This?

  1. After sitting through their three day event I had the feeling that the only ones that they were really interested increasing their wealth was themselves. Yes, some people make money with their systems but it seems that they average investment in their mentoring program is around $40,000.00 and there are some that are much MUCH more.

    If, you are unwilling or unable to invest big money in their mentoring, you are pretty much on your own. Their Investment Dominator CRM sounds great but can be a challenge to get it set up and you may not get enough help from Land Profit Generator folks to get it to work. When they demo the CRM they make it sound like to just click click click and the letters are mailed off.

    But the lists that you pay for may not be so good. It sounds like they suggest that you have someone go through and verify the information … If, you are sending out thousands of letters do you realize what it take for you or someone that you hire to do that??? It also seems that they maybe making money off of the lists that aren’t all that great anyway … when you pay for a service you might expect that the lists would be good.

    There again you can spend big money following the general information but only if you have purchased the mentor system will you know that their lists aren’t all that great. You will be spending money to send out letters that are just a total waste of money.

    If, they really cared about their customers you would think that they would share with everyone who pays for the systems and pays the monthly fees for their services without having paid the big money for the mentoring program.

    When dealing with their sales reps one can’t always rely on what they tell you. You will only find out after you are already money in and of course there is NO REFUND once services have been paid for.

    There are other ways a person can work to help their family to be better off than investing tens of thousands of dollars in a program that has you sending out the same letters only to find out that the land owner has a stack of letters on their desk that are all the same text only your name, phone number and website are different … What are your chances then of buying their property for ten to forty cents on the dollar?

    Perhaps one would have a better chance with one of those lottery tickets?

    Best of luck perhaps you will be one that can get their system to work and you have deep enough pockets to keep you going until you get a deal.

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