Affluent Academy Review – Is This SMMA Worth Your Time?

Affluent Academy Review

Hello! Welcome to my Affluent Academy Review.

Physical business models have faced many challenges in the recent past, forcing many entrepreneurs to opt for online business opportunities.

However, the online industry is not a safer place to invest in because there is a mixture of genuine business opportunities and scams.

Affluent Academy is a digital training program that claims to offer you training on how to start an agency marketing business.

Before I take you through this review, I would like to inform you that I’m not related to Affluent Academy.

This article is only meant for review purposes.

Therefore, expect a transparent review.

Summary Of Affluent Academy Review

Name of the Product: Affluent Academy

Type of the Product: Digital Marketing Course

Website’s URL:

Founder: Jordan Platten

Product Rating: 5/10

Cost of the Product: $947

Recommendation: Recommended but not the best.

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

Overview Of Affluent Academy

Affluent Academy Review

Affluent Academy is a vast training course designed by Jordan Platten.

The course features over 100 lessons that focus on training you on how to create your advertising agency.

It will also teach you how to attract clients and deliver results for them.

Furthermore, you’ll get a mentorship opportunity that will prepare your path to success.

This training program is a legitimate opportunity even though it is not suitable for everyone.

This course will teach you various ways to contact prospective clients when marketing your services.

And some of these pitching strategies are cold emailing and cold calling.

One challenge of cold pitching as a marketing strategy is that the chances of getting rejected by prospective clients are very high.

And it could also be very intense.

When joining this program, you should prepare to work under high pressure.

Otherwise, this training course may not suit you if you’re not prepared to work in such a demanding environment.

There are other profitable digital businesses that you can opt into and make huge passive income.

And here is one of those opportunities that you’re yearning to get:

Affluent Academy Review

Who Is The Founder Of Affluent Academy?

Affluent Academy Review

The brain behind the creation of this course is a YouTube entrepreneur called Jordan Platten, who comes from the UK.

Through his YouTube Channel, he shares his experience in social media marketing with his followers.

Currently, Jordan’s YouTube channel has over 60K subscribers.

He has been consistent in the creation of videos about how to create and launch a marketing agency, daily Vlogging, and the creation of a variety of ads.

He seems to be well conversant with agency advertising and social media marketing.

Contrary to what most YouTube entrepreneurs do, he has invested all his attention and focus on marketing, capitalizing on more than one trend.

He aims to help small businesses make more money by marketing their products and services.

The good thing about Jordan is that he doesn’t use overhyped claims to market his training program.

For instance, he doesn’t use leased luxurious cars, jets, or buildings to influence your perspective about the program.

Jordan has regularly organized various live events, one of them being “Millennial Marketing Mastery,” which took place in New York.

He has collaborated with his team of experts and helped various companies worldwide to generate millions of revenue.

Features Of Affluent Academy?

Affluent Academy Review

This program offers thorough training that teaches you how to build an online marketing agency right from the start.

The course is subdivided into 11 modules that comprise;

Module 1: Foundations

This module will introduce you to this course and the aspect of social media marketing.

The creator will walk you through all the basics of social media marketing to guarantee success.

Module 2: The Launch Sequence

Module 2 will teach you how to set up your business before you launch your marketing agency and get your prospective clients.

Under this module, you’ll learn about niches, brand building, pricing, and website building.

Module 3: Sales Prospecting

In this module, you’ll learn strategies to get clients.

It has 7 video tutorials that will explain how to get paying clients.

Module 4: Securing Meetings

This section will teach you how to secure meetings with various business owners and convince them to buy your advertising services.

You will learn about different methods of attracting the attention of your prospective clients.

These include cold calling, emailing, in-person meetings, and social media marketing.

Module 5: How to Close Clients.

This is the longest module that will teach you strategies for closing deals and convincing businesses to work with you.

Module 6: The Science of getting results

You’ll get to know how to understand your consumer’s mindset and customer psychology and You will also learn about various marketing methods, such as using Facebook and Instagram Ads.

Module 7: How to create comprehensive Ads

This module will be about ad building; you’ll use your ads to attract the attention of your prospective customers.

Module 8: Skyrocketing ROI (Return On Investment)

In module 8, you’ll cover advanced topics related to module 7.

It will teach you to create ads for the customers of your clients.

Also, it’ll show you various strategies for Instagram and Facebook.

Module 9: Mastered Strategies

This module will teach you how to approach various marketing niches that include: fitness, dining, and shopping.

7-figure agency scaling & automation

This module aims to teach you strategies for scaling and automating your business.

Bonus Lessons

This is the section that gives you bonus lessons and other resources such as;

  • Email support with Jordan
  • Mastermind Facebook group
  • Scripts
  • Contracts
  • Funnel templates

What Is The Cost Of Affluent Academy?

The cost of this course is quoted to be $947.

However, there might be other additional expenses that you will incur in the long run.

These additional expenses could result from purchasing external tools that will play an important role in your agency business.

Generally, these additional expenses could go over $350.

Does Affluent Academy Offer A Refund?

Affluent Academy Review

This training course has a 30-day refund policy.

However, this policy is tied to some conditions that you must first meet before successfully claiming your refund.

The conditions for qualifying for this refund have been stated in the program’s terms of service.

These conditions are:

The refund policy will take effect after you’ve completed the 5th module.

Once the countdown begins, you must generate at least one sale to qualify for the refund.

If you follow all the guidelines given to you by the program’s coaches and still fail to make a sale, you’ll get your refund.

To qualify for the refund, you must schedule a call with the program’s representative within two months of joining.

There will also be a weekly minimum sales target that you must meet after every five days.

You’ll be required to give screenshots of evidence with payment details showing your completed sales targets.

Also Read: Is Douglas James Marketing A Scam?

Is Affluent Academy A Scam?

This course is not a scam but a legitimate training program designed by a legit entrepreneur.

This program will teach you how to build a marketing agency because there is an increasing demand for marketing services.

Jordan has faith in the effectiveness of this training program.

He has created a policy to refund you if you don’t get your desired results.

One challenge about this refund policy is that it does not come easy.

You must satisfy and fulfill some conditions before you get your money back.

Therefore, before considering it, be sure if you want to be part of this program.

Don’t get involved with this course if you are not ready to commit yourself to it.

Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your money.

If, after joining, you fail to follow the program’s guidelines, Jordan will hold you responsible for your failures and deny you a refund.

But what if I tell you that there is a great opportunity that you can use to earn money online?

Well, check out this opportunity that I’m currently using to generate money online:

Affluent Academy Review

What I Like About Affluent Academy

  • It is a legitimate business model

Another good feature of this business model is that it is legit and has the most sought-after services.

This program has a higher potential of generating huge revenues.

It gives you access to high-value clients.

When you join the program, you won’t face the trouble of looking for many clients.

The program will give you access to high-paying clients who guarantee good monthly earnings.

  • It has good customer support.

This program will give you access to various bonus perks, including one-on-one support, question-and-answer sessions, and a mastermind Facebook group.

You’ll also be assigned a group of experts who will monitor and guide you on every step of the program.

  • It has a refund policy.

This program has a policy that promises to refund your money if you try everything; they teach you and fail to make a sale.

This shows how confident Jordan is about his program.

  • You’ll get comprehensive training.

This program will offer a very detailed course that will teach you every aspect of building an online marketing agency.

What I Don’t Like About Affluent Academy

  • It is expensive

This is a high-ticket training program, meaning it will cost you much to join the program.

Also, there will be other additional upsells that will dig deeper into your pocket.

These upsell will be in the form of external tools necessary for the growth of your business.

  • It is a risky business model.

In this program, you’ll risk your money and time for the high chances of not getting back your money if you quit along the way.

Otherwise, you must follow all the guidelines in the program.

Also Read: Digital Veteran Blueprint Review

Is There Any Alternative To Affluent Academy?

Even though this course is a good training program that can help you build your marketing agency, it isn’t an ideal business opportunity you can go for as a newbie.

There are other digital business models suitable for you as a beginner.

Affluent Academy Review

And affiliate marketing remains the surest opportunity you can go for.

I say so because affiliate marketing is easy to start and highly profitable if you commit yourself to it.

Also, it does not require a huge budget.

If that is what you want to get started with and you don’t know where to start, then here is a complete blueprint tailored for you:

Affluent Academy Review

FAQs About Affluent Academy

Who is The Affluent Academy Meant For?

This program is designed for serious entrepreneurs who want to start marketing and advertising agencies.

How do you get started with this Affluent Academy?

The first step to joining this platform is to sign up. After that, you will pay the course’s required fees.

Can The Affluent Academy Help To Give You a Sustainable Income?

Yes. You can make money from this program if you follow the exact steps taught by Jordan.

How Long Will It Take To Start Making Money From The Affluent Academy?

The program is a high-ticket course that will teach the most sought-after services.

Jordan claims he will help you land good deals with high-paying clients within a short period.

Thank you for reading my Affluent Academy Review!

I will be happy to get your feedback in the comment section below.

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