FBA Academy Review – David Zaleski Scam or Legit?

FBA Academy Review

Hey everyone! Today I’m giving you my unbiased FBA Academy Review by EcomHub.

Many mentorship programs out there claim they can provide you the “secret sauce” to make six or seven figures of profit online.

The question is – is The FBA Academy the real deal?

Can it help you find financial freedom through a successful Amazon FBA store?

This course is an investment (it isn’t free), so you want to be confident that it will pay off before you invest.

I am not part of the EcomHub team, so I’m here to offer my unbiased and comprehensive review.

Let’s get started!

Summary Of FBA Academy Review

Name of the Product: FBA Academy

Type of the Product: Amazon FBA training program & course

Founder: David Zaleski

Website: https://ecomhub.com/fba-academy

Product Rating: 9/10

Product Cost: EcomHub offers different packages ranging from $4,000 and up depending on what you are looking for.

Their base training program is on the low end of that spectrum – you can also buy a custom-built store from them at the higher end of that spectrum (and skip the work).

Recommendation: Recommended!

Overview Of The FBA Academy Review

The Amazon FBA Academy is a program offered by EcomHub to teach new Amazon sellers all they need to know to succeed.

This program is intended for new sellers who are unsure how to start their Amazon store. 

It is an excellent option for entrepreneurs who want to enter the e-commerce space but need some help to get started.

The FBA Academy walks students through a four-phase process…

  • Search
  • Source
  • Launch
  • And Scale

This is not a cheap service. You will pay at least $4,000 to enroll in the FBA Academy – more if you upgrade your program selection.

On top of this, you should expect to double this investment (or more) to pay for your inventory and cover your business expenses. 

So if you are low on capital, the FBA Academy is not for you. However, this is a great option for entrepreneurs with startup funds to begin a new venture.

Alternative: If you are looking for a more cost-effective, yet profitable option, then you can check out the button below to see what I recommend for a consistent flow of passive income:

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

FBA Academy Review

What is FBA Academy About? 

The FBA Academy is a training program and course that teaches you how to launch an Amazon FBA store from scratch successfully.

FBA Academy Review

In this training, you will learn how to:

  • Find a product that will succeed
  • Choose an affordable and reliable supplier
  • Build out optimized listings
  • Launch your Amazon store
  • Use PPC and digital advertising to scale your store

The FBA Academy will teach you the ins and outs necessary to get your product off the drawing board, into production, and into Amazon’s warehouses.

In addition to course content, you will receive mentorship from experienced Amazon sellers and “lifetime support” for your store from the EcomHub team.

You will also learn how to use a combination of high-quality images, professionally researched keywords, Amazon Brand Registry programs, and ad campaigns to rank your product and win the buy box.

David Zaleski does not offer a guarantee of success because not all students put in the work necessary to generate results.

Who Is The Founder Of FBA Academy?

FBA Academy Review | David Zaleski

David Zaleski is the founder of the FBA Academy and EcomHub.

He claims that the processes, resources, and steps included in the FBA Academy are the same ones he uses to build his own six and seven-figure stores.

David got started in e-commerce as a teenager selling on eBay and switched over to Amazon around 2015.

He boasts of taking less than $5,000 in startup capital and turning it into a six-figure Amazon store over the span of a few years.

While he was finding success on Amazon, he started gaining a following on YouTube for his Amazon tips.

Shortly after, he launched the FBA Academy and started EcomHub.

Now, David has quite a few businesses and has expanded what EcomHub can offer.

They now provide agency services for existing sellers in addition to their training and investment options.

How Does FBA Academy Works? 

The FBA Academy has recently been updated to the “FBA Academy 2.0.”

Once you sign up, you will walk through a 4-step online academy.

This academy consists of online modules and resources that guide you through every step of the launch process.

You will also be assigned a mentor who will guide you through this process and participate in five weekly coaching calls.

With the help of the course modules and your mentor, you will first choose a “winning product,” which your mentor will approve for you.

You will then choose a supplier, order samples, and finalize details to prepare your product for the Amazon warehouse.

While awaiting production, you’ll learn how to build an impressive listing and set yourself up for success in the launch phase.

Once your product is ready to ship, you will set your listing as live and begin selling.

Using the resources available to you, you will adjust and build PPC campaigns to scale up your profits.

During this process, you will have access to support from your mentor and a list of custom budgeting and business tools.

Related Review: Reliable Education

Features of FBA Academy 

According to the EcomHub website, the FBA Academy has recently been updated to the “FBA Academy 2.0” with more features and resources.

This is important, as some training courses do not update their offerings regularly. Thankfully, EcomHub has done so.

Something important to be aware of is that there are two versions of the FBA Academy. 

  1. Done By You
  2. Done For You

The Done-By-You (DBY) course is much less expensive. In this option, the EcomHub will train you and provide support during the process – but ultimately, you do the work.

In the Done-For-You (DFY) course, you will pay more upfront but do much less work. The DFY is a hefty investment but requires much less from you.

Depending on which course you choose, the course features will differ.

In both courses, however, you receive access to:

  • The online course modules
  • Group coaching calls
  • An FBA seller community group
  • Product validation by EcomHub
  • Unlimited support
  • Ranking & PPC strategies
  • Budgeting resources
  • Tutorials and more resources

The DFY course gives you way more content if you can afford it.

If you’re just looking for training and help to get started, the DBY course should do the trick without breaking the bank.

What Is the Cost of FBA Academy? 

EcomHub offers a variety of programs that will cost you $4,000 or more depending on your custom package.

Since you are doing most of the work, the baseline DBY program is toward the lower end of that spectrum.

Here, you are paying for the mentorship and expertise that EcomHub provides.

The DFY program is slightly more expensive since EcomHub does most of the work for you.

In this case, you are not only paying for mentorship and expertise but the time and labor of their team as they handle many tasks for you.

For investors who don’t want to do any work, they also build stores from scratch with little to no involvement on your end – this being at the high end of the price spectrum.

FBA Academy Review

Is FBA Academy A Scam? 

No – the FBA Academy is not a scam.

EcomHub is a BBB Accredited Business with a 4.3 Trustpilot score and over 70+ Google reviews.

So it is a legitimate business with legitimately happy customers.

You can find David Zaleski on multiple platforms interacting with real customers and other well-known e-commerce professionals.

The FBA Academy is real, and the training they advertise is not a scam.

That said, just because a company is real doesn’t mean its service is worth the money.

However, based on the reviews of their customers and my research, it does appear that the FBA Academy is a worthy investment if you are willing to put in the work.

You must also understand that the FBA Academy is training you to launch a startup. That means lots of investment up front.

It won’t be worth it if you don’t understand how startups work and aren’t willing to invest.

What I Like About FBA Academy

All around, I approve of the FBA Academy.

Most reviews speak very positively about David and the team at EcomHub, and it seems that the FBA Academy does generate a lot of results.

I appreciate the customization options available within the FBA Academy.

Most training programs offer a “one-size-fits-all” course consisting entirely of pre-recorded content.

FBA Academy has low-cost options for those who want to do the work themselves and higher-investment options for those looking to do less.

This course also gives students much more than video content.

The mentorship and support provided by the EcomHub team are solid, and many reviews highlight how helpful this one-on-one support has been.

David’s approach is much more hands-on than other training courses available.

So, you’re sure to get real, tangible help launching your store – not just a few videos giving you tips and tricks like you might find elsewhere.

What I Don’t Like About FBA Academy 

One thing I find challenging about the FBA Academy is that it is hard to know exactly how much you’ll need to invest upfront.

Because the cost of the program is customizable, you won’t be sure what your fee is until you can converse with their team.

Additionally, depending on your program of choice, there are many business costs that you will have to cover.

This includes inventory, advertising fees, shipping fees, business fees, packaging costs, and more.

In my opinion, the FBA Academy could benefit from some further clarity around exactly what the costs will be upfront.

Granted, it isn’t easy to do this because market prices constantly change, and every product is different.

So I can’t blame EcomHub for this lack of clarity entirely. As in any business, there are expenses you can’t foresee until they arise.

Related Review: eComm Clubhouse

FBA Academy Review – Conclusion

I would definitely recommend the FBA Academy to anyone interested in becoming an Amazon seller.

While this course does require a potentially hefty investment upfront (depending on your course selection), the content, mentorship, and resources included are well worth it.

David Zaleski has a great reputation in the e-commerce space, and EcomHub has many impressive reviews. 

One of the most valuable assets in the FBA Academy is the level of support and mentorship the team provides for its students. This is hard to find with other programs.

The one downside to the FBA Academy is that it does require an investment of time, money, and energy. 

So I wouldn’t recommend this course to anyone low on any of these things.

If you have plenty of funds but minimal time and energy, you may still find a helpful resource in their DFY program.

Overall, this is a good course for someone looking to get started in e-commerce.

My Best Alternative To FBA Academy

The business model that I recommend as my #1 way of making money online is called affiliate marketing.

Basically, this is a process of recommending other people’s products or services.

When people buy these products or services, I earn a commission on the sale.

It’s simple. But you need to get the right education to be successful.

The main program that I recommend as my #1 solution for making money online with affiliate marketing, and is also great for newbies to get started.

It is based on getting free organic traffic from Youtube, Tiktok, SEO, and blogging.

The great thing is that once you put in the initial work, it will start generating passive income.

This simply means that you make money while you are not doing any active work (sleeping, playing, eating, etc)

So you could be earning income from your chosen platform for many years to come because this method is extremely POWERFUL, but overlooked by many marketers out there.

And if you don’t want to write content, there are other options like doing Youtube or Tiktok videos.

Just take a look at just a simple commission I earned by recommending a digital service that someone needed.

It’s just the best business model that I have come to know…

If you want to learn how you can start leveraging the power of the internet to get lots of traffic coming to your business and earn a full-time income, then click the button below!

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

FBA Academy Review

FAQs about FBA Academy

What is the FBA Academy?

The FBA Academy is a program offered by EcomHub to teach new Amazon sellers how to build and launch a new store from scratch.

What is EcomHub?

EcomHub is an e-commerce company founded by David Zaleski. In addition to offering the FBA Academy, EcomHub has options for investors and agency services for existing sellers.

Who Created The FBA Academy?

David Zaleski is the founder of both EcomHub and the FBA Academy. David owns multiple businesses and has been around in the e-commerce space for close to a decade.

How Much Does The FBA Academy Cost?

The cost of the FBA Academy is customizable, depending on which program you choose. Prices start at $4,000  – you’ll have to schedule a call with one of their team members to get an exact quote. The baseline DBY (done by you) training program is on the lower end of that spectrum.

Is The FBA Academy a Scam?

No – the FBA Academy is not a scam. There are many verified reviews of this program, and EcomHub is a real BBB Accredited Business.

Is the FBA Academy Worth It?

The FBA  Academy is worth it for anyone willing to invest time, energy, and money into a new business. It will not be worth it if you are unwilling to do the work and do the steps lined out for you in the course.

Related: Amazon FBA Heroes Review

16 thoughts on “FBA Academy Review – David Zaleski Scam or Legit?

  1. This course looks great if you are interested in opening an FBA business and putting your all in. However it is very costly to start and the potential to lose money is much higher than doing other types of online work like for instance affiliate marketing.

    By all means this course looks great, but you must have a good deal of money to invest in this, and if you don’t have the cash to spare, I would highly recommend starting with your top recommendation until you have built up your revenue. I think you also need lots of time to put into this sort of business model to make it pay back sooner.

    1. Yes, this is not a cheap service from FBA Academy as I mentioned. But it’s a solid platform for anyone who wants to get started on Amason FBA.  It’s true that with affiliate marketing, the start-up cost is lower and the potential to earn high ticket sales like $1000+ per sale is very real and possible once the right training is implemented. 

  2. Excellent post; thank you for sharing. There are many ways to make money online, and FBA can be very profitable. Thank you for including what you like and don’t like about this course; it’s beneficial for people trying to decide whether to invest or not—great and informative review. Have a great day. Regards. Vlad

  3. Good information! There are people who are ready to do some investments in this especially if it is associated with the amazon platform. I believe the better route would be the DFY, as it requires less of your time and headache. Your presentation on the difference between DBY to DFY is good. As it offers options for investors. I just wonder how much guidance they will provide for those who chose DBY. And when one chose to have the DFY option, how much more expensive will it be?

  4. Thank you so much for this review of FBA Academy.  It is nice to see that it is not a scam, but it is so expensive.  I mean, I get it, it is a great product, but it is hard to be able to come up with 4000 plus dollars for training.  Is there a cheaper route or training that you suggest?  I think this is something I could use later as I grow my online business.  Thank you in advance for your answer!

    1. Hey there.  I’ve provided a less expensive option for you within the article. You can click on any of the links or here.

      Thanks for visiting and all the best as you start and grow your business online.

  5. FBA Academy seems like a very impressive training place to get results; however, most starting out in ecommerce do not have the money required for investment. Not knowing how much of the thousands you will have to invest in business is not a good way of planning a business. The cost may be customizable but the price will be hefty even if one has a very focused store. So the content, mentorship and resources given may be well worth the price but it is out of the reach of most people and although David Zaleski has a great reputation with impressive reviews it is not for those with little money to invest. Your suggestion on starting a business is much easier for most people and will give results in time.

    1. Your assessment is correct. As I mentioned, the cost for FBA academy isn’t cheap.  it’s for those people with deeper pockets and who has a passion for selling products on the Amazon platform. 

      As you already know, my suggestion for starting a business is simple and most people can afford to get started.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  6. I think If one had the time, the energy, and the money to invest, this would be a perfect way to learn the ropes for starting your own online store.  If I had the funds to invest right now, I’d go with the DFY method to get it up and running the right way.  Of course, I’d only do this, if I thought that it would really scale my business.

    Thanks for this detailed overview.

    1. Yes, this is a good option to get into Amazon FBA for sure. Prices are not cheap but could be worth it if you have the funds to get things off and running.  

  7. Thanks for the overview, Jason. 

    The course itself sounds to be quite expensive, I would say this is why your article stands out. It definitely gave me an insight into what to expect from it. And definitely, it does require some investments, you truly can’t know how much you would really require in the beginning, but it all depends on how big a scale you want to grab in the beginning. 

    I would say it mostly comes to monthly costs, but not a 1-time investment. Product research, manufacturing process and perfection of product, logistical issues, marketing, and finally having satisfied customer, each one of points is important.

    And as you mentioned Affiliate Marketing is really a good alternative, to start with. 


    1. That’s right Artur. You have made some solid points for sure.  It’s a good course but it does come with a big price tag for those who are ready to get serious about FBA. As usual, I have provided an alternative for people who are looking to start a business with a smaller budget.

  8. Nothing really comes free, I think this course will be worth taking advantage of. It is a bit expensive though but it shows that the course is quite detailed and will take you through all that you need to learn. I guess this is not made for everyone If anyone is really serious and committed to it then they could certainly go for this. Great review! Thank you for taking the time to look into this.

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