Online Affiliate Marketing Coach (1-on-1 Coaching)

Online Affiliate Marketing Coach

Are you looking for an authentic online affiliate marketing coach?

A coach who will always be there helping you step by step to build up your affiliate business?

A coach who will show you how to find a profitable niche and keywords to rank on the top pages of Google?

A coach who will work with you 1-on-1 to make your first sale online?

If you answered YES to those questions above, then look no further because you have found your personal affiliate marketing coach!

I am the one who will help you to succeed in affiliate marketing.

This is the online business model which I love, have experience in, and have been using to generate most of my income online.

And I know that if you follow what I teach you, then you will be able to earn income online for yourself and loved ones too.

But, you have to promise me something…

Promise me that you will follow the simple instructions within the step-by-step training that I will give to you.

You have to be disciplined, committed, focused, and possess a WINNING mentality for this to work big time in your favor.

And most importantly, you have to be an ACTION TAKER – because getting this knowledge without taking action is useless.

That’s the ONLY way you are going to make money.

If you don’t work, nothing will work…Period.

Who Am I, Why Do I Want To Help You, And Why I Am I Qualified To Be Your Coach?

So my name is Jason Foster. I am a father to 2 kids, husband, an online affiliate marketer, and founder here at Smart Human Blogger.

This is a picture of me, my son Jordan, my daughter Jayanne and my beautiful wife Anna…

I have been making money online since 2014 and have gathered valuable experience which I know will help you.

My first sales came in the form of selling products on Ebay doing drop-shipping from Amazon.

At that time, I was following a training called DS Domination which did help out for a while, but it was just not a sustainable business which would last for the long term.

So I stopped doing it and went out in search of a more sustainable way to make money.

During a lot of intent searching, I discovered the brilliant business model called affiliate marketing.

What I found out is that I could earn money by simply recommending a product or service to people.

This was the turning point for me, and the most eye-opening of all!

It’s really a simple business once you get the hang of it.

But here’s the thing that I have come to know…

It can be very frustrating if you are going to be tackling affiliate marketing on your own.

And you will be wasting a lot of time instead of getting on track to earn an income for yourself.

Having a personal coach to guide you will prevent you from falling into any pitfalls and making any newbie mistakes.

Plus, it’s good to have someone to keep you accountable as you are building out your online business.

What You Will Learn From My Coaching.

I have invested time and money to learn the best SEO affiliate marketing which allows me to write articles like this one you are reading now and get found in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

It’s a really great skill to have because you can literally rank any keyword.

These are the skills that I will teach you as well.

You are going to learn how to find and apply for affiliate programs which will pay you whenever you refer someone to buy their product or service.

You will be able to learn how to make a link clickable like this one or like any other that you see in this article.

You are going to get access to 2 profit ready websites which you will be able to promote product and services of your choice.

I am going to show you how to put images, videos, and texts in the right places and how to format them on your website.

I am going to be able to offer my feedback on your website’s progress and give you tips to improve it.

Overall, I am going to do my very best to help you make your affiliate marketing business become a success!

But again, remember this:  You have to do the work and TAKE ACTION on what you learn.

Click the green button below to get started with my 1-on-1 online affiliate marketing coaching.

Looking forward to coaching you in affiliate marketing, seeing you take action, and most importantly helping you to make money online!

I’ll see you on the next page.

Online Affiliate Marketing Coach

Your friend,


PS: You can reach out to me at any time on my contact page if you have any questions.   I respond to every message.

2 thoughts on “Online Affiliate Marketing Coach (1-on-1 Coaching)

  1. Hi Jason,
    I am Lisa Wagner, the Sr. Affiliate Recruiter for Augusta Precious Metals.
    During a recent search I found your site and thought you could be a good fit for our high commission yielding affiliate program. Please let me know if you are interested in a quick chat.


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