0 Dollar Startup Review – Is Roger Comstock LEGIT?

0 Dollar Startup Review

Hello there, welcome to my 0 Dollar Startup Review.

Can 0 Dollar Startup help you create an online risk-free business or another scam you must avoid?

Well, in this review, I’ll help you answer more questions about the program.

The cost of joining 0 Dollar Startup and whether you can make money from the program.

According to Roger Comstock in the program, creating your own side hustle is the best way to escape financial crisis at home.

You can achieve this by launching something special online that creates a real ROI.

According to Roger, this opportunity targets everyone as he claims it’s better than cryptocurrency or the real estate business.

So, in my discussion, I’ll also take you through who Roger Comstock is in the program and his success roots.

By opening your risk-free business online, you’ll be able to have control over your financial and personal freedom.

For this reason, this review is all you need if you’re looking for information about the 0 Dollar Startup.

Before I start, I want to inform you that I’m not an affiliate of the 0 Dollar Startup company.

As such, all the information I’ll offer you in this review is unbiased and truthful.

Before I start…

If you’re tired of searching and just want to get started check out my no.1 recommendation.

This is the best business to start online without owning or shipping a single product.

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0 Dollar Startup Review Summary

Name of The Product: 0 Dollar Startup

Type of the Product:  Digital Marketing

Product Website: https://www.0dollarstartup.com/

Founder: Roger Comstock

Product Rating: 2/5

Product Cost: From $5997

Recommendation: Not for everyone; find out why from my review

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

0 Dollar Startup Review – Overview

0 Dollar Startup Review

Everyone with a dream of becoming successful will always desire to make a step towards having their own time and financial freedom.

This only happens when you decide to launch your own business that makes you employ yourself.

You can begin by making it a part-time hustle to boost your income or fully join it to make a significant profit out of business.

If you decide to join 0 Dollar Startup, Roger congratulates you for participating in the program and claims to help you launch your lifetime business.

According to Roger, the 0 Dollar Startup program will help you do everything online in your power and become successful.

He claims that his main aim in creating the program was to be able to share it with others who are also struggling to meet their success.

The program shows you how to create a risk-free startup business and become successful online.

As Roger stated, you’ll not have to sacrifice much of your time learning how to make money with the program.

The 0 Dollar Startup program claims to make you achieve your dreams online without spending more on it.

However, you might not go by the claims in the decision-making process because claims are sometimes treated as rumors.

As such, you’ll have to learn more about the program beforehand.

0 Dollar Startup Review

I will therefore begin by taking you through the meaning of the 0 Dollar Startup program, as stated by Roger Comstock.

But before that, if you’re looking for a better alternative to make money online, then check out this option:

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

0 Dollar Startup Review

What Is 0Dollar Startup?

0 Dollar Startup Review

0 Dollar Startup is a program that helps you learn how to build a profitable start-up business.

The program claims to assist you in following simple principles that are prevalent in the business industry.

It also promises to help you ensure no risk occurs when creating your business and in your entire investment.

The program is based on creating more resources with the connections you have at hand.

It also involves learning how to leverage your skillset to help you with profitable solutions for your business.

According to the 0 Dollar Startup program, if you can connect quickly and directly, you’ll be able to get more sales online.

Your connections should involve people interested in the goods and services you offer.

Who Is Roger Comstock?

0 Dollar Startup Review

Roger Comstock is the founder of the 0 Dollar Startup program.

Besides being the founder of the program, Roger serves as the CEO of the program.

In his background, Roger is a dedicated serial entrepreneur with a great obsession and affinity for business.

He claims to be much more focused on helping people who want to venture into their career in doing business online.

In the program, Roger teaches people how to start making a recurring income by starting a business online.

He focuses on helping you have a startup business without spending high capital amounts or being involved in any real estate business.

Roger is married to his lovely wife Kayla, to whom they have a family that Roger enjoys being with in his free time.

In his busy time, Roger loves helping people have a good understanding of their potential.

He is also a fan of camping, laughing, and accomplishing goals.

Apart from being the company’s CEO, he is also the chief consultant in the program and a tuple.

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How Does 0 Dollar Startup Work?

When you join the 0 Dollars Program, you will get the following offers;

  • 0DS Master Program
  • Pocket-Sized Partner Playbook
  • Instant Lead Generation Hacks
  • The Startup Software Stack
  • Autonomy Through Automation
  • Silver Bullet Sales & Assets

Because these offers are priced differently, you can begin by enrolling in a free strategy session.

You’ll also have to spare about thirty minutes for a call where you will speak with decision-makers on the call.

In the free discovery call, the expert coaches from the company provide you with strategic mentorship on different online business opportunities.

During the call, the coaches will request a clear understanding of yourself to help them know you better and how they can help you.

After knowing you, they’ll begin discussing with you how the 0 Dollar Startup program works.

They will also let you know if you can work with them together, depending on your personal goals and plans.

After identifying you as a person they can help, they’ll allow you to move to the next level.

The next step will be now to teach you how to launch your own startup business online and become successful.

At this stage, the experts will let you enroll in the 0 Dollar Startup program and become part of their membership team.

The expert coaches from the program will offer you every resource you’ll need to start your business after bringing you on board.

Because the expert coaches are successful people, they’ll always work towards helping you achieve your greatest success.

This will be done by providing accounting support to you by taking into action your challenges and ensuring you apply what you learn in the field.

By helping you apply your knowledge to your business, the coaches aim to make you realize life-changing results in the new startup you own.

Who Is 0 Dollar Startup For?

0 Dollar Startup Review

Despite the 0 Dollar Startup program targeting every person, the program may NOT work for everyone.

For this reason, if you join the program for the first time, Roger advises you to first make a strategic call to the expert team of the program.

In the strategic call, the experts will speak to you and ask you questions to identify if you are in a position to launch your own startup business.

People only think of success without considering the risks and challenges they may face in the business.

Roger capitalizes on the challengers by stating that joining 0 Dollar Startup is only fruitful if you are qualified to start your startup business.

He states that, despite teaching his followers a smarter way to help them meet their success, only qualified people succeed.

Such people are always hands-on workers and can sacrifice themselves to succeed.

Roger explains that for you to suit the program, you must have the following characteristics;

  • Action Taker

When you enroll in the 0 Dollar Startup, you will come across many pieces of training, demos, walkthroughs, and tutorials.

This is due to the numerous programs and offers available in the program.

All the training will focus on launching your business and positioning it toward success.

According to Roger, those who stand a chance to get real results can take action as soon as possible.

  • Teachable people

When it comes to teachable people, Roger targets persons who are capable of producing good results.

Such people are always coachable and willing to learn new things to help them change their lives.

You must also be open and accept the result-based training and direction as scheduled with your expert coach.

  • People who are ready to Hustle

Because nothing comes easy, Roger requires you to be ready and willing to hustle for you to succeed in the program.

According to Roger, there is still a high need to push your envelope to be more successful.

He states that the good results lie with you as they don’t guarantee any result in the 0Dollar Startup program.

But Roger guarantees you their starters who have achieved good results in the program and are therefore not afraid to share their testimony.

What Is The Cost Of Joining 0 Dollar Startup?

0 Dollar Startup Review

0 Dollar Startup program cost varies depending on the offers you choose in the course.

For instance, the following are offers available in the program and their process.

  • 0DS Master program valued at $24997.
  • Pocket Sized Partner Playbook valued at $7007.
  • Instant Lead Generation Hacks valued at $9997.
  • The startup software Stack is valued at $5997.
  • Autonomy Through Automation valued at $9997
  • Silver Bullet Sales and Assets valued at $14597
  • When you sum up the total price, the value becomes $73582.

This value is for people who want to learn all the programs available in the course.

However, if the price is too high, you can decide to select the offers you can achieve in the program.

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Is 0 Dollar Startup Program A Scam?

0 Dollar Startup Review

In my opinion, the 0 Dollar Startup program is NOT a Scam.

However, making money from the program is not as easy as some people may think.

According to Roger, it requires hard work and sacrifice for you to succeed in the program.

However, as Roger tries to coach his members on the program, it may not work for everyone.

For this reason, Roger advises everyone who wants to join the program to first make a strategic call to him.

In the call, he will ask you questions and help you in decision-making as to whether enrolling in the program will be of help to you.

If by good luck, you pass the expert coach’s test, you’ll enroll in the course and start training in the program.

The program will provide you with numerous offers where you will have to pay and start enjoying them

On the other hand, if the program seems not to be working for you, Roger will advise you to try another opportunity online.

In such a case, you will have to quit the 0 Dollar Startup program and look for another program online that can help you make money online.

Because the program has no money-back guarantee, this action will help you minimize losses you may go through when you enroll in the program.

0 Dollar Startup Review

What I Like About 0 Dollar Startup

  • Roger is a Good Coach

Besides being a serial entrepreneur, Roger has built an obsession and affinity for helping people.

He has a great passion for helping people start a recurring income business online with the lowest capital they can afford.

He aims at accomplishing goals and helping people understand their potential to make money to achieve success.

  • The Course is easy to learn

Roger uses his high experience in business to teach the course in a smarter way for everyone to understand.

He also participates in the decision-making process, where he helps you identify the highly profitable business deals that meet your expectations.

As such, you don’t have to worry about making selections or looking for connections online for your business to grow.

  • The Course Embrace starting a business with low capital

In the program, Roger teaches how to launch a startup business with the lowest capital you have.

This makes the program more suitable for people who want to start a business from scratch.

Roger assures you a faster growth of your business to make you achieve your success as fast as possible.

What I Don’t Like About 0 Dollar Startup?

  • The Offers are too Expensive

Despite the program embracing starting a business with the lowest capital you might get, their offers to help you start the business is too expensive.

This makes joining the program not affordable for low-income people who cannot pay the prices.

  • The Course is Selective.

According to Roger, not everyone will benefit from this program despite being an opportunity to help people meet their success.

The program only targets a group of individuals with certain characteristics, such as risk-takers and people who are ready to hustle.

Therefore, if you don’t qualify to enroll in the program, Roger will advise you to look for another program online.

Is There Any Alternative To 0 Dollar Startup?

If you’re not comfortable with this program and you still want to venture into an online business, then affiliate marketing can be a better option.

Though it requires a lot of work, your effort pays in the end.

Since it is an area I’ve been in for a while, I know what works and doesn’t.

Be aware that not all programs that CLAIM to offer you affiliate marketing opportunities are legit.

So, before you can make up your mind, take a look at this short guide that will offer you all the relevant information to get started with the business:

0 Dollar Startup Review

FAQs About 0 Dollar Startup

0 Dollar Startup Review

Does 0 Dollar Startup have any kind of guarantee?

The program guarantees to teach you how to structure good and high-profit deals in your business.

They also show you how to capitalize on the network you dwell in and help you sell without participating as a salesperson.

In addition, the program works with other starters to help you identify naturally occurring connections for your business online.

How long does it take you to get the first Result?

The time you will take to arrive at your first results varies with your level of understanding and success rate.

After joining the program, you will get the training and gather the skills you will apply to your business.

So, when you are an average learner, it will take you at least two weeks to get results, while others may take even more.

What type of experience does Roger have?

Roger is an experienced entrepreneur who specializes in beginner to expert coaching.

According to Roger, you don’t have to know the type of business you want to start for you to get the training.

He will help you identify and create a business opportunity that is highly profitable according to your expectations.

How is the 0 Dollar Startup Program Different from others?

Other programs always teach to wear all hats on you as a business owner, including making sales and fulfilments.

However, in the 0 Dollar Startup program, Roger shows you how to identify service providers with the skills required to run a business.

The program targets skilled service providers within the network and other highly profitable brokers with pocket-size partners.

Thank you for reading this 0 Dollar Startup Review.

I’ll be thankful to know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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