Agency Master Academy Review – Legit Or A Scam Course?

Agency Master Academy Review

Hello there, I welcome you to my Agency Master Academy Review.

Digital businesses have begun to gain popularity in the recent past.

The online industry presents many opportunities to those wishing to try their luck.

One of the business opportunities available online is digital marketing.

There are various ways of earning money as a digital marketer.

Today, I will take you through Agency Master Academy; a program that focuses on training you about social media marketing.

Before I take you deep into Agency Master Academy, I want to remind you that the Agency Master Academy article is for review purposes.

Therefore, expect total transparency.

Let’s get into it…

Summary Of Agency Master Academy Review

Name of the Product: Agency Master Academy

Website’s URL:

Type of the Product: Social Media Marketing Training Course

Founder: Jeff Baxter

Product Rating: 5/10

Cost of the Product:  Not Revealed

Recommendation: Not for beginners.

Overview of Agency Master Academy

Agency Master Academy Review

Agency Master Academy is a digital training course created by Jeff Baxter.

This course aims to train you on how to launch and run an effective social media marketing agency.

This marketing agency will help you generate leads for various businesses within your locality.

Jeff claims that his training will show you how to apply various marketing strategies to create effective campaigns.

It mainly focuses on using Facebook ads which you must remember has lots of competitors who are already in the business of running paid advertisements.

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Agency Master Academy Review

What Is Agency Master Academy?

Agency Master Academy Review

This training is a marketing course created by an experienced advertising agent.

The owner of this program claims that he can train you on how to start and run your social media marketing business.

Also, this program will cost you thousands of dollars and aims to train you to build and run your social media marketing agency.

He further claims that this course is ideal for beginners and intermediate marketing agents.

You’ll also be working with other clients running their adverts on Facebook.

This will give you more experience handling and managing your money.

This program will also teach you how to cold-call strangers and offer them your marketing services.

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Who is the founder of Agency Master Academy?

Agency Master Academy Review

The founder of this program is called Jeff Baxter, who started building an online business in 2008.

He claims that he started investing in online platforms as a marketer promoting digital products as an affiliate.

After earning enough from affiliate marketing, he decided to quit his day job and focus on affiliate marketing.

He chose to take this bold step because leaving a day job is sometimes not easy for most people.

Shortly after, Jeff discovered that affiliate marketing was not giving him enough money; instead, the product owners reaped most income from the business.

He was inspired by how much he could earn as a product owner.

At long last, he ventured into product creation.

His first line of products was consulting packages, and he sold these packages via free entrepreneurship webinars.

He eventually reached his breakthrough and made enough money by selling these packages through his free webinars.

His success in selling consultation packages gave birth to Consulting Master Academy.

Jeff Baxter is also the CEO of Ad Ninja Pro, an advertising agency.

He promises to share the experiences and knowledge he learned through running his agency.

Jeff has registered continuous growth in online business ever since he started as an affiliate.

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How Does Agency Master Academy Work?

Agency Master Academy Review

This course comprises six modules designed to guide you on how to start, launch and grow your marketing agency.

These courses will train you on leveraging Facebook Ad Library to identify businesses that are not running ads within the locality.

Some proven templates within the Agency Master Training that you can apply to connect with your potential clients and pitch your offers.

After getting a client, your next course of action is to start creating Facebook ads campaigns for prospective clients, develop a budget, and plan for your retainer fee.

Here are the modules you will cover in Agency Master Academy.

Business Foundation

This module will teach you what to consider when laying a foundation for your business.

When starting your business, there are several factors you must consider.

These factors include the type of license you would go for and whether you’ll go for a sole proprietorship, S-Corporation or LLC, among other forms of business.

After that step, you must identify the business niche you want to fill. This will help you to know your target audience well.

Choosing the correct business gap to fill requires lots of research. This will help you in identifying the most profitable business gap to fill.

It is also essential to be aware of the competition in the type of business you want to venture into to avoid entering a saturated industry.

Finally, decide on the pricing and start attracting prospective clients.

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Setting Up Client Acquisition Funnel

The success of your marketing agency depends on how well you organize the agency.

Setting the right sales to funnel is a very crucial step that will effectively present your marketing service.

What follows is to create an automated e-mail marketing campaign.

You will use this campaign to send messages to your prospective clients.

Baxter claims to use Zapier and ScheduleOnce to show you how to create automated e-mail campaigns.

This program will also teach you how to design video sales letters.

These letters will help your prospective clients understand your services better and know your personality and your brand.

How to freely attract your clients

In this module, you will learn how to attract new clients using LinkedIn.

You’ll get access to cold-calling prospective clients.

Further, you will learn how to enroll new clients over the phone.

However, you must understand that most people do not prefer receiving cold calls from strangers.

Therefore, don’t expect to get full cooperation from all whoever you’ll cold call.

You need to invest lots of effort to win your first prospective client, and if your works impress your clients, you’ll be building a solid portfolio.

This will consequently ease your process of acquiring more clients.

Facebook Ads

This module will guide you through creating high-converting ads and further understanding the advertising rules.

These rules are crucial, and you must follow them to prevent disapproval of your ads or the closure of your account.

You’ll also be introduced to Facebook Ads Manager and the best way to apply it in your campaigns.

The following action is to guide your clients to sync their credit cards.

After that, you will verify your business domain, set up Facebook Pixel, and track conversion and target audience.

Apart from learning more about dynamic test campaigns, you’ll also be running one.

To grow your agency, you need to increase your income by recruiting more clients.

You will achieve this by outsourcing your agency.

This module is the best source that you can use to scale up your business.


This module is given to you as a bonus and teaches you how to source funding for your business.

It will teach you how to improve credit scoring and fund your business.

Coaching call you’ll get every week.

As a member of this training course, you’ll access a live broadcast from one of the coach professionals of this course or Jeff himself.

This live broadcast will cover topics related to running and managing an agency.

What Is the Cost of Agency Master Academy?

This program does not reveal much information about the cost of their training program for reasons best known to them.

One of the reasons behind hiding this information could be that the program is still new.

Factors contributing to concealing the price as of now is that Jeff might still be adjusting some features of the program.

Alternatively, their primary reason could be to eliminate sticker shock.

Concealing the price of a product will prevent customers from dismissing the product before knowing the benefits of the product in question.

Despite not revealing the cost of this program, Jeff will recommend that you use Zapier and ScheduleOnce.

At least the cost of these two products is known.

ScheduleOnce offers you one free service, but it will charge you $10 per month if you want to access its enhanced services.

Zapier is a platform that offers you task automation services.

Even though it has a free service, that free plan has limitations.

To access more automation features, you’ll be advised to go for the paid plan, which will cost $19.99 monthly.

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Is Agency Master Academy A Scam?

Agency Master Academy Review

No, Agency Master Academy is not a scam; it is far from being a scam.

It is a legitimate training course designed to equip you with skills you can use in Social Media marketing.

The person behind the creation of this training course is Jeff Baxter, who has experience in lead generation and is running his marketing agency by himself.

This program is new and promises to show you how to successfully start and run a social media marketing agency.

However, you must remember that the success of every business depends on your efforts.

As a social media marketer, be prepared to deal with different types of clients; they will expect good services from you.

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Agency Master Academy Review

What I Like About Agency Master Academy

  • An experienced marketer built it.

This program was built by an experienced marketer who has already registered success running his agency.

At least, this tells you that the chances of succeeding in this business are high.

  • It uses a viable business model.

Social Media Marketing is a business model that has been in existence and is known to have succeeded in most cases.

More investors have opted for the online industry, which calls for new marketing methods.

Some of these businesses have decided to outsource their businesses to more experienced professionals, while others have devoted themselves to doing their marketing by themselves.

What I Don’t Like About Agency Master Academy

  • It is very demanding.

The course will teach you how to run Facebook Ads and make money from them.

But you need to prepare to work under pressure managing your clients.

Plus, providing quality advertising services is the only way to retain your clients.

  • It is expensive

Although this training course doesn’t provide sufficient information about the cost of joining their training program, it will cost you an arm and a leg.

Also, some allegations say the program will cost between $3,000 and $ 5,000.

  • Not suitable for Beginners.

Since the program’s cost is high, this will not be the best coat for anyone joining the digital industry for the first time.

Is There Any Alternative to Agency Master Academy?

There are other viable business opportunities besides this training course, which you can start without undergoing any training, especially when you are new in the online industry.

Using social media to promote local businesses is a good idea, but you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars just for a training program.

One of the best alternatives I recommend for you is to go for affiliate marketing, a viable business opportunity you can profit from.

Agency Master Academy Review

And if you want the best place to start learning about this lucrative business idea, you can go through this guide:

Agency Master Academy Review

FAQs About Agency Master Academy

Who is The Agency Master Academy Program Meant For?

This training course is mainly designed for anyone wanting to venture into social media marketing and pre-existing marketing agencies.

Is Agency Master Academy a Scam?

Technically, Agency Master Academy is NOT a scam.

Jeff Baxter is making this training course look easy than it is.

It is a viable business opportunity, but you’ll be doing lots of hard work to win clients into your business.

What is the cost of Agency Master Academy?

This training course does not reveal the actual cost of this training for reasons best known to Jeff Baxter. One of the reasons could be that the program is still new, and some changes might still occur within the program.

What is Agency Master Academy Training?

This is a digital training course offered by Jeff Baxter, and it is designed to equip you with social media marketing skills.

Also, the creator claims that by the end of this training, you will be in a position to create and run your marketing agency.

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