Dapp University Bootcamp Review: Is Gregory McCubbin LEGIT?

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

Hello, welcome to my Dapp University Bootcamp Review.

I will take you through Dapp University Bootcamp program in detail.

In the process, I will help you answer commonly asked questions like;

Whether Dapp University Bootcamp Program is a scam?

And whether you can make money out of this program?

I will also inform you about the price of the program and all other fees required to join the program.

Again, I’ll explain to you who Gregory McCubbin is and his contribution to the existence of the Dapp University Bootcamp program.

My main goal in my discussion is to provide unbiased information about this program.

In addition, I would like to inform you that I have no affiliation with the Dapp University Bootcamp program.

For this reason, every piece of information I provide in my review is truthful and unbiased.

With that in mind, let’s jump straight to it.

Dapp University Bootcamp Review Summary

Name of the Product: Dapp University Bootcamp

Website’s URL: https://www.dappuniversity.com/bootcamp

Type of the Product: Blockchain Development program

Founder: Gregory McCubbin

Product Rating: 2/5

Cost: $499

Recommendation: Please read my review

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Dapp University Bootcamp Review – Overview

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

Dapp University Bootcamp program claims to be the best course where you can learn how to become a professional blockchain developer.

When you join this course, you will learn the various ways to make money as a blockchain developer.

The course covers every concept of blockchain to assist both beginners and professionals learn more about blockchain.

For this reason, the program claims to be suitable for newbies who want to specialize in blockchain development as a career.

It also claims to suit blockchain developers who want to learn more and improve their experience in the blockchain world.

Blockchain has become one of the leading money-making opportunities in the world, attracting many investors across the globe.

This is due to its high success rate and the rapid growth of the cryptocurrency business worldwide.

However, you need quality training from a professional course for you to be able to make money with the blockchain.

Therefore, before you join any course claiming to offer training on blockchain development, you need to take your time and do research on the program.

This will help you know if the program will perfectly assist you in becoming an expert blockchain developer and overcoming many risk people face in the business.

In this review, I’ll leave nothing unturned, and rest assured that you’ll know the bare truth of the Dapp University Bootcamp program.

Recommended: Go here to see my #1 recommendation for making money online.

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

What Is Dapp University Bootcamp?

Dapp University Bootcamp is an online training course that was created by Gregory McCubbin.

The course teaches you how to become a professional blockchain developer.

Learning blockchain development is more of a help if you take the course as your career rather than your side hustle.

When you take this course, you will also learn a free blockchain development course offered as part of the program.

However, the program only teaches the blockchain development course basics.

Who Is Gregory McCubbin?

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

Gregory McCubbin is the founder of the Dapp University Bootcamp program.

He is the program’s main instructor and an Ethereum development expert.

Gregory makes a lot of promises in the Dapp University Bootcamp course about blockchain business.

In his teaching, Gregory focuses on helping you become a blockchain master.

Her claims that his main goal is to help you become successful in trading in the trending cryptocurrency business.

He is also a veteran youtube user, with his YouTube channel attracting close to 550k subscribers.

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

Gregory is more active on YouTube and may be making money on his channel due to increased subscribers.

Do you think Gregory makes more money on YouTube than blockchain going by the many YouTube subscribers?

In my opinion, I guess he does; he puts more attention on his YouTube channel than on blockchain.

What Is Dapp University Bootcamp Course All About?

The Dapp University Bootcamp course trains you how to make money as a blockchain developer.

It is always a very lucrative career to become a blockchain developer.

You can make a six-figure amount in a year as a blockchain developer.

However, it is not as simple as you think; much work must be done.

For instance, you need to have an outstanding experience in the following areas to become a good blockchain developer;

  • You must understand the language used in programs such as JavaScript and python.
  • You must have background knowledge of the various concepts used in programming.
  • Lastly, you also need to be familiar with the command line, which will assist you in creating directories

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The Dap University Bootcamp Free Course

If you join the Dapp University Bootcamp program on subscription, you will be offered a free course.

In the free course, you learn how to become a blockchain developer.

However, the program does not teach the blockchain development course in detail.

It only provides an overview of the course, which it displays in three videos, at least 15 minutes each.

The videos cover topics such as;

  • How blockchain developers make a lot of money in the blockchain world.
  • How Gregory McCubbin made over 20000 dollars for work worth weeks from the blockchain.
  • Ways of monetizing the skills you have to succeed in life.

Dapp University Bootcamp Program Breakdown

The Dapp University Bootcamp program is broken down into three main parts;

Blockchain Developer Bootcamp

This is the first section of the Dapp University Bootcamp.

In this part, you will learn the terms and basics that you need to succeed in blockchain development like:

  • Meaning of Blockchain
  • How Blockchain works
  • Introduction to Ethereum
  • Introduction to Wallets Introduction to Smart Contracts

Capstone Course One

This is the second section of the course, which introduces you to the development process.

In this part, you will learn how to start your blockchain development process, and the topics include;

  • How to set up the program on Linux and Mac operating systems
  • How to set up the program on windows
  • Token Transfer
  • How to test Smart contract
  • How to make withdrawals
  • Building the exchange
  • How to make orders
  • How to manage and associate with other traders
  • Sending business.

Capstone Course Two

This is the last section of the course that finalizes what you learned in the previous quarter.

In this part, you will learn the following topics;

  • User interface setup
  • How to create orders
  • How to Deploy contracts
  • Redux and selectors
  • How to cancel orders
  • How to file orders
  • Price chart
  • How to make deposits
  • How to Deploy UI

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

What Is The Cost Of Joining The Dapp University Bootcamp?

The cost of this course is $499.

The program accepts a one-term payment option with no other hidden fees required.

However, if you cannot afford to pay the price in a one-term payment option, you still have another payment option.

The program allows you to pay the amount in a three-month payment option.

You will have to pay $199 every month for the three months in this option.

These totals to about 600 dollars, more than the 499 dollars of one term payment option.

The Dapp University Bootcamp is more of a beginner course and seems much more expensive for the price.

On the other hand, there is no guarantee that you will start making money after completing the course.

Is Dapp University Bootcamp Course Worth Taking?

In my opinion, the Dapp University Bootcamp course is not of quality enough to help you become a good blockchain developer.

I say so because this course doesn’t offer advanced training on blockchain development.

Plus, becoming successful in blockchain trade also requires a lot of patience, focus, and training.

For this reason, joining this program will not guarantee you to make a lot of money online on blockchain from the start.

You will have to be more patient while focusing on how to use the knowledge acquired from training to make money in the blockchain world.

But if you still need to make money online and you don’t know where to start, then here is an excellent business opportunity that you can take advantage of:

Recommended: Go here to see my #1 recommendation for making money online.

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

Is Dapp University Bootcamp A Scam?

In my opinion, Dapp University Bootcamp Program is not technically a scam.

However, making money out of Dapp University Bootcamp Program is not as easy as described by Gregory McCubbin.

There is a lot of work to be done alongside patience and focus for you to make money.

In addition, when you take this course as your career, there are a lot of risks you’ll face in the trading process.

For this reason, you will have to learn about how to overcome the risks to stand a chance of becoming successful in the business.

Like any other cryptocurrency, becoming successful in the blockchain is not a guarantee for everyone who takes the course as a career.

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What I Like About Dapp University Bootcamp

  • The program claims to offer you an Ethereum smart contract

Gregory promises his students to provide their first Ethereum smart contract when they complete the course.

What I Don’t Like About Dapp University Bootcamp

  • The course is too shallow

Dapp University Bootcamp course does not offer advanced training on blockchain development.

This makes the course unsuitable for someone who wants to become an actual master in the blockchain world.

  • The course is pricey.

Going by the content delivered in the course, the course doesn’t match the price tag.

You will still need more than the course to achieve your dreams in blockchain despite joining Dapp University Bootcamp course through a subscription.

  • The course consumes a lot of time

It will take you a significant time to complete the course.

For this reason, if you were to join another advanced study course, you would take much of your time to complete the studies.

Is There Any Alternative To Dapp University Bootcamp?

Of course, I don’t intend to discredit this course just to push you into joining another program.

If you are passionate about blockchain and related business, you can seek basic information from free sources like YouTube.

I don’t see any need for one to pay a significant price for some basic information they can get elsewhere at no cost.

But still, if you don’t have any passion for blockchain development – owing to the challenges that come with it, you can still venture into online business without any challenge.

Affiliate marketing is the best business idea that you can consider.

Do you want to know why I recommend this business idea to beginners?

Affiliate marketing is easier to join, and you don’t have to pay a fortune to be part of the community.

Again, you’ll earn while learning.

What’s more, affiliate marketing allows you to grow gradually.

However, before joining this venture, you need to learn some basic information to clearly understand what this business is all about.

Generally, affiliate marketing deals with marketing goods and services for reputable companies like Amazon, then you get compensated for any successful sale.

But that is not enough; here is a step-by-step guide I have prepared for you:

Dapp University Bootcamp Review

FAQs About Dapp University Bootcamp

Does Dapp University Bootcamp offer a refund policy?

Yes, the program offers a refund policy to its members.

According to Gregory, you can claim your money from the program in up to 30 days.

Can I truly make money as a blockchain developer?

Yes, you can make money in the blockchain world as a blockchain developer.

However, the chances of you making money as a blockchain out of this course may be limited because it doesn’t cover the full content required for blockchain development.

You will have to advance further to gain the experience required for the opportunity.

Does Dapp University Bootcamp have enough testimonials?

I haven’t found any testimonial by someone who has become successful from taking the course.

Also, here is a video by Gregory McCubbin answering some common questions about Dapp University Bootcamp:

Thank you so much for reading this Dapp University Bootcamp Review.

Feel free to leave a comment in the section below.

15 thoughts on “Dapp University Bootcamp Review: Is Gregory McCubbin LEGIT?

  1. I’ve watched Gregory’s YouTube channel for a while, I’m on the fence with respect to his courses. If you want to learn how to code in solidity, I recommend freecodecamp.org. Search for blockchain, Beau Carnes has two courses on solidity, one with python, another with java script. Each course is fantastic and FREE. I’m taking the Java script course now. You will find out quickly if you want to become a blockchain dev.

  2. I am not that clued up on blockchain technology at all but I seem to be reading more and more about it of late.   but I suppose that is due to the popularity of crypto currency’s. 
    On looking at this course it seems pretty reasonably priced, especially if you can be a fully fledged block chain developer once you are done but there are always some catches. But maybe it is better to look for a more comprehensive course if you are a beginner at programming. 

  3. I have always wanted to learn to be a blockchain developer, but I never found the right course that would fit in my budget. The Dapp University Bootcamp sounds like legit training for those of us who would like to learn about building programs that can benefit a lot of people.   Your review was helpful in making my decision, and I have shared it on social media.  

    1. Glad that the review was able to help you out, Jannette. The blockchain is the future and it’s worth learning about so that you don’t get left behind. 

  4. The thing about blockchain is that it’s no piece of cake; as mentioned needs a lot of patience and hard work. However, Dapp University Bootcamp seems an excellent place to start, but more is needed. We must keep our expectations at a level matching our knowledge and experience to stay motivated and retain many assets.

  5. Learning the intricacies of being a blockchain developer, can help you to earn a lot of money on the internet. But to achieve that, it is advisable to get training to assist you. Dapp University Bootcamp claims to be a course that can teach you how to become a blockchain developer. 

    But with a rating of only 2/5, I have serious doubts about the quality of the course, and what you will be learning. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies might be a good way of earning money, but there are better courses and ways than with Dapp University Bootcamp. 

  6. Hi Noohyah,

    Block chain is a hot topic on the block and one can definitely make a career out of it. 

    It was interesting to note your review of the Dapp University Bootcamp Program. However, the program leaves many gaps and does not give confidence of taking up this course at such price.

    Would you recommend any other program to learn and master Blockchain? I want to make money out of it and want to master it in a wholesome way.

    Thanks for sharing this review.



    1. As an alternative, Youtube and Twitter are good places to learn more about blockchain so I would recommend that you start there. 

  7. Dapp University seems to be an interesting opportunity, especially if you want to work in blockchain. But I don’t understand the kind of business they do there. I also like that they offer an Ethereal smart contract – it will enrich my crypto portfolio! I really like that. Is it the only course of this kind? Or are there other alternative courses, since the course is very shallow?

    1. There are other similar courses out to Dapp University. But what I have found is that Youtube and especially Twitter seem to be 2 good sources to get information even before you make the decision to invest your time and efforts in this space.

  8. Hello Jason

    Thank you for sharing this review on Dapp University Bootcamp.  I would say that it seems as you said to be mainly for beginners in the blockchain.  It doesn’t look to be for someone who wants to become a professional blockchain developer.  You did a great job explaining the details of this program as well as why you don’t feel it is the best program to teach all that you need to know about blockchain development.

  9. Blockchain is an emerging technology that has become a money-making machine. But as you rightly mention, coughing out 499 bulks for a course that is not detailed is not worth it. To make money as a blockchain developer you need to horn your skills. I agree with you on getting basic information on Youtube at no cost.

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