Is Warrior Plus Legit? – Intriguing Review To Check Out!

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

This is a question that you and others have always hoped to get an outright answer to.

And that is why I decided to table a completed Warrior Plus Review.

Have you ever wondered how affiliate marketers make money?

And what are the best affiliate programs to go for?

Affiliate marketers make money by promoting other people’s products and services.

Any platform that promotes products from reputable companies is the right one.

So, is this Warrior Plus worthy of your investment?

Or could it be another coated form lie?

In this review, I’ll take you through Warrior Plus program so that you get a deeper insight into the platform.

I have committed my resources and time to give you an unbiased review of Warrior Plus.

Remember, I’m not an affiliate marketer of Warrior Plus, so I will expose every bit of the truth about this platform.

Get a clear picture of this platform and be cautious before deciding to join the platform or not.

Let’s start…

Summary of Warrior Plus Review

Name of the Product: Warrior Plus

Type of the Product: Marketing Platform for digital products

Founder: Mike Lantz

Website’s URL:

Product Rating: 4/10

Subscription Fee: Free to join. (Digital Products Prices Vary)

Recommendation: No.

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

Overview of Warrior Plus

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

Warrior Plus is a digital platform that promotes affiliate marketing.

In this platform, both affiliate marketers and advertisers will get an avenue to promote their products.

Also, this marketing platform features tracking software that helps product owners track transactions and pay commissions to its promoters.

It also provides support to its members to encourage joint business ventures.

Aside from that, warrior Plus claims to be different from other platforms because it;

  • Deals with digital products
  • Promotes specific lines of products
  • Easy to launch
  • Easy to promote
  • Pays instant commissions

But you should understand that these are just claims and not facts about Warrior Plus.

Here is a better alternative to making money online:

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

What Is Warrior Plus About?

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

Warrior Plus is a digital platform that allows online entrepreneurs to sell their digital products.

And this platform creates an avenue for sellers and buyers of various digital products.

In Warrior Plus, you’ll get access to products like online courses, apps, software, DFY business models, and E-books, among others.

As a vendor, you’ll have to register to become a member of Warrior Plus.

After registration, you will be free to create and sell your product on the platform.

As such, your work will be done when you launch a new online product and post it in Warrior Plus.

And those who will be interested in your product will reach out to you.

Besides, Warrior Plus is also an ideal platform for affiliate marketing.

Additionally, you can pick a newly launched product and promote it as an affiliate marketer.

If a prospect purchases a product through your affiliate link, you’ll earn a commission.

What’s more, Warrior Plus could have been the best platform for promoting businesses and purchasing digital products, but it does not guarantee the quality of products.

A greater percentage of the products offered do not deliver their promises.

So, they sell you a lie and later on disappear with your money.

Some of the scams you will find in Warrior Plus are;

  • 7 Min Sales Machine
  • CB Money Vine
  • 10X Profit Sites
  • Ministry of Freedom
  • 0 To $100 in 24 Hours
  • Browse N’ Bank

And all these scammers want to take advantage of your quest to make money online.

As such, I won’t recommend you to join Warrior Plus.

In fact, there are other legitimate options for you to earn money online.

You can check out how I have been able to earn an income online:

Jason Foster

Who Is The Founder Of Warrior Plus?

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

The brain behind the formation of Warrior Plus is a serial entrepreneur named Mike Lantz.

And he is a citizen of Nevada, USA.

Apart from being an entrepreneur, he is also a digital marketer and a technical guru.

Further, Lantz went to Brigham Young University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree.

Better yet, he landed his first job in the year 2000.

Again, he worked for two firms until he launched Warrior Plus in 2006.

Besides, the Warrior Plus networking platform has been in the digital market for quite a long time.

Plus, he designed this platform to act as a meeting place for digital entrepreneurs.

Initially, it was meant to provide solutions for marketers, but now it promotes many platforms with different intentions.

If you decide to visit this platform, be warned that not everything you get from this platform is legit.

How does Warrior Plus Work?

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

Warrior Plus is a very useful platform for both advertisers and publishers.

It creates a link between affiliate marketers and the owners of various products.

It has tracking software that allows business merchants and their affiliates to track their transactions.

This tracking system will be used to pay commissions to the affiliates.

The main thing that differentiates Warrior Plus from other affiliate programs is how you register.

Warrior Plus allows you to register once to become an advertiser and an affiliate.

After creating your account, you gain access to affiliate marketing and advertising.

This is contrary to other marketing platforms since they require separate registration to become an advertiser or affiliate marketer.

You will get the products to promote from the vendors’ directory in your Warrior Plus account.

After creating your list of products, you can promote them.

This platform does not categorize its products because all the products offered are related to working from home and making money online.

Warrior Plus has only categorized its products based on;

  • Refund rate
  • Commission
  • Conversion rate
  • Launch date
  • Sales
  • Visitor value
  • Average sale

You can also check out Elite Downline Builder Review

What Is the Cost Of Joining Warrior Plus?

Becoming a Warrior Plus member is free.

You only need to have an e-mail account.

You can choose to become a vendor, a customer, or an affiliate marketer.

Are There Any Additional Charges?

After signing up as a customer, you’ll get access to various digital products.

Note that the products are of different qualities and have different prices.

How Do I Make Money From Warrior Plus?

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

You can make good money from this platform either as a vendor or an affiliate marketer.

Create your products and sell them on the Warrior Affiliate platform if you’re a vendor.

On the other hand, as an affiliate marketer, choose well-paying products to promote.

Affiliate marketing is the most profitable hustle for you to consider.

Furthermore, it is easy to start and manage an affiliate marketing business.

Here are four easy steps to follow when starting.

  • Identify Your Interest
  • Build Your Website
  • Attract Visitors To the Site
  • Earn Revenue

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

Will I Get A Refund From Warrior Plus?

Warrior Plus has a refund policy, but it doesn’t own the products.

As such, the companies selling the products are the ones to refund your money.

So be prepared to undergo a long and tedious process before getting your money back, mainly because it won’t be an easy process.

Don’t worry; I’ll show you everything about Warrior Plus before you decide to join.

Due to a lack of quality control, I do not recommend you to join Warrior Plus.

So, if you end up joining and let on feeling like pulling out of it, here are three steps you will take to claim your refund.

Send A Refund Request To The Product Owner

When applying for a retake fund, the first step is to notify the product owner that you are no longer interested in their product and want your money back.

Use the e-mail address you received during your purchase.

I promise you that getting a refund immediately will not be easy.

After launching this process and failing, you go to the next step.

Contact Warrior Plus

Since Warrior Plus has no control over the quality of products sold on its platform, it’ll have to shoulder part of the blame.

And if the vendors fail to act on your refund request within 48 hours of launching the process, ask for a support request from Warrior Plus.

As such, this support request is a form in which you will fill in your PayPal e-mail address and the item number.

And after sending it, you’ll receive a copy and a message asking you to contact your vendor again.

Dispute your Transaction with PayPal

The most effective way of claiming a refund in Warrior Plus is to file your disputed transaction with PayPal.

And you must validate this dispute by providing evidence that you completed the transaction and the first two steps stated above.

Also, disputing your transaction with PayPal is a smooth process that does not take long.

In most cases, PayPal favors those who raise disputes with Warrior Plus products.

This is because it is aware of the questionable quality of the products offered by Warrior Plus.

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

Warrior Plus is Legit.

It is a legitimate digital marketplace that facilitates business transactions between product vendors and prospective buyers.

Although this business has been in existence since 2006, it is still not safe for anyone to invest in.

This is because the platform harbors a mixture of legit and scamming programs.

Also, customers who bought products from this platform have lamented due to dissatisfaction.

Furthermore, most of the products offered in Warrior Plus have turned out to be scams.

This is mainly because the platform does not regulate the quality of every product sold on its platform.

Again, it is very important to know the product owner and who promotes it before you go ahead and purchase.

If Warrior Plus could control the quality of every single product posted on its platform, it would have been a good digital marketplace platform.

And ignoring the risks exposes you to and avoiding taking responsibility makes Warrior Plus a deceptive digital marketing place to avoid.

What I Like About Warrior Plus

  • Some of the products offered by Warrior Plus are genuine.
  • If you choose to become an affiliate, you will get instant payments.
  • It gives you access to a larger digital marketplace
  • It is free to join.

What I Don’t Like About Warrior Plus

  • It exposes you to a lot of scams.
  • Does not have dedicated affiliate support.
  • The quality of the product sold is not guaranteed.
  • Its reputation is questionable.
  • You may not qualify for affiliate programs if you have never made affiliate sales.

Is There Any Alternative to Warrior Plus?

Warrior Plus is an ideal platform to promote, buy or sell different products but its failure to regulate the type and quality of products changes everything.

And chances of succeeding in this platform are barely 1%.

This is because it acts as a den of scammers in one way or another. Anyone can sign into this platform and sell anything they think of.

Of course, the online industry has various online business gaps that need to be filled.

And most of these gaps are suitable for starters.

So, forget about Warrior Plus and go for other best alternatives.

In this case, I recommend affiliate marketing.

So, affiliate marketing can give you a breakthrough.

Therefore, this is the best and most viable option for you.

In affiliate marketing, you can promote various products for different companies and get compensated in the form of a commission.

Also, it is the easiest and most manageable business and also generates high profits.

Through Affiliate marketing, you’ll get the financial freedom you’ve always desired.

Today, I earn good money from this business without getting too much involvement in my business.

You, too, can do it.

On the next page, I will guide you through affiliate marketing.

Follow this guide to understand better:

Is Warrior Plus Legit?

10 thoughts on “Is Warrior Plus Legit? – Intriguing Review To Check Out!

  1. Thanks a lot for showing us the inside look at WarriorPlus. I’ve heard of it many times before, but I never had the time to do thorough online research. 🙂 It seems pretty easy to join WarriorPlus, but it doesn’t have proper control of product quality. I don’t want to join a platform with scammy products to make my readers miserable, so I will skip this one for now. I am glad your great review helps me make a better decision. Appreciated!

    1. Hey, you’re welcome, Matt.

      It’s good to know that you learned some real facts about Warrior Plus.

      Thanks for chiming in 🙂

  2. Ouch 4/10!

    Having developed a digital course myself, I’ve spent a bit of time looking at different marketplaces to sell them on, and I found the whole process of unpicking the genuine marketplaces from the dodgy ones a real pain.

    The last thing I’d want to do as an affiliate, or as vendor is to be associated with dodgy products – even if it’s because other people are selling or promoting them on the same marketplace.

    Thanks for the heads up! Is there a marketplace that you’ve reviewed and found to be legit with good quality control of the product offerings?

    1. I’d say Clickbank is a little better – in terms of its product offerings…

      Even though back in the day they were not so good themselves. They are an example affiliate network that Warrior plus can follow.

      I haven’t reviewed it yet, but I did mention them in my affiliate marketing guide as a good place to find products.

  3. I’ve often wondered about Warrior Plus, and why they allow so many blatant scams to be pushed through their platform. Selling low priced products, only to be introduced to an expensive sales funnel must put so many newbies into financial difficulty and the people behind Warrior Plus seem fine with it.

    Thanks for sharing the review, hopefully, it helps some of these newbies from getting caught out by the next scam product that launches…

    1. Yeah, I think Warrior plus need to get rid of the low-value products on the platform. The only people who benefit are the owners, vendors and affiliate who promotes the products.

      Unfortunately, the customer often loses out.

      Thanks for sharing your views.

  4. I’ve heard of Warrior Plus many times, but I didn’t know exactly what this platform was and I had in mind that I needed to check it out.

    Thanks to this great presentation and all the information, I now have a clearer idea of ​​this platform.

    Since I didn’t know exactly what Warrior Plus was, I didn’t think about joining. After reading the article, I will follow your advice and I will not join.

    I think there are many great programs online to help you create an affiliate marketing business, and it certainly deterred me that it exposes us to a lot of scams.

    For someone who is more of a beginner, such things can be very misleading.

    Thank you, and I wish you all the best


  5. Hey Jason,

    I have definitely heard of Warrior Plus, and I have looked into it. However, I didn’t think it was for me. I agree that there are better alternatives, and one of them that I use is Wealthy Affiliate.

    It would be great to see your review on Wealthy Affiliate as I think it is one of the best affiliate marketing platforms in the world.

    Keep up the great work and sharing your articles.

    All the best,


    1. Hi Tom,

      Yeah, there are far better affiliate market places out there compared to Warrior Plus. Glad this helped.

      And by the way, I did a review of the Wealthy Affiliate platform some time ago.

      You can view it here.

      Thanks for stopping by.

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