Jet Video Academy Review: Is This Course the Real Deal?

Jet Video Academy Review

Hello, welcome to my Jet Video Academy Review.

In this review, I’ll be delving into the success story of Greg Kononenko and his friend Alen Sehovic.

Their channels generate an impressive income of over $20,000 per month.

Their key to success lies in applying their evergreen views formula, which has propelled their channels to rapid growth.

The duo shares their evergreen views, strategy, and tactics they used to excel in the YouTube landscape through the program.

Throughout this review, I aim to present you with an unbiased assessment of whether these tactics are genuinely effective or just another scam.

To achieve this, I’ll comprehensively explain the course’s content, its functioning, and the registration costs.

By the end of this review, you’ll know whether investing your money and time in the course is worthwhile.

So, let’s get started…

Jet Video Academy Review Summary

Name of the Product: Jet Video Academy

Type of the Product: YouTube Automation Training Course

Product Website:

Founders: Greg Konenko and Alen Sehovic

Product Rating: 60/100

Product Cost: $77

Recommendation: Not for everyone; kindly read this review to learn more

Also Read: Tube Money Masterclass

Jet Video Academy Review Overview

Jet Video Academy Review

When you want to start making money on YouTube, you must learn how to make your YouTube channel successful.

This entails learning the techniques to expand your channel’s reach and attract a larger audience.

In addition, you must learn how to overcome your competitors and use engaging keywords within your niche.

You must also learn how to use video analytics that will help you monitor your channel performance.

This will assist you in monitoring the growth of your channel and identifying fluctuations in performance.

In that case, you’ll be able to come up with new ideas on how to make adjustments and let your channel grow.

The program promises to help you learn all these in their ten-module course to enable you to become a successful Youtuber.

In the course, the main aim is to help you grow and maximize your earnings online.

You only need to register for the course to learn the 41-video training.

Upon completing the course, you’ll receive supplementary bonuses that will help you kickstart your YouTube channel.

Nevertheless, there are instances when you may prefer to choose cost-free training options to initiate your journey.

Is it possible to entertain such an ambitious idea?

Rest assured, there’s no need to worry.

I have another excellent YouTube course that is now accessible online.

The program, Tube Mastery and Monetization, crafted by Matt Par, stands out as a distinguished option.

Compared to other courses, Par’s methods are notable for their authenticity and profitability, resulting in an impressive success rate for his students.

If you aim to enhance your YouTube earnings, I recommend exploring his complimentary training:

MATT’S FREE TRAINING: How to Make Money on YouTube WITHOUT Recording Videos ➜

What Is Jet Video Academy?

Jet Video Academy Review

Jet Video Academy is a YouTube automation course that teaches you how to start and grow your YouTube channel to enable you to earn a passive income.

In 2020, Greg Kononenko and his friend Alen Sehovic collaborated to launch the program.

They focus on helping you start earning money on YouTube through affiliate marketing, ad revenue, and views on your channel.

Greg and Alen teach you about their proven strategies which they’ve applied in their channel to help you become successful YouTubers.

How Does Jet Video Academy Work?

Jet Video Academy works by teaching you how to start your YouTube channel to enable you to earn a passive income.

The program helps you discover Greg’s evergreen formula to grow his channel to create at least $100 a day.

What Is Found Inside Jet Video Academy?

Inside Jet Video Academy, you’ll discover the following services:

  • Zero Subscribers, More Views

Learn how to attract views to your channel from your first video, even with no subscribers.

  • Evergreen Money Machine

Turn your videos into a source of passive income online.

  • Aim for $100 a Day.

The main goal is to help your channel earn at least $100 daily for your business.

  • Massive Earnings

Discover how Greg earned up to $45,000 from a video in just three hours.

  • Faceless Success

Become a successful YouTuber without showing your face on camera; it’s optional and suitable for those who are shy or have personal reasons to avoid the camera.

  • No Idea, No Budget, No Connections

Start your own YouTube channel without prior knowledge, advertising budget, or connections, and make money online.

  • Niche from Scratch

Begin your YouTube channel in a niche you know nothing about and build it from the ground up.

The Jet Video Academy Modules

The Jet Video Academy provides training in modules, with each section covering a specific course topic.

The course consists of ten videos with up to 41 minutes.

Here are the modules available in the course:

Module One: The Basics

Jet Video Academy Review

This module introduces you to the course with a full breakdown of everything covered in the entire section.

They include how the YouTube Channel can give you a passive income on the YouTube platform.

Module Two: Equipment

Jet Video Academy Review

This module will teach you what you need to start on YouTube.

This includes 100% free software and tools that you can use to record and edit your YouTube videos.

Simple and stress-free ways you can use to record your YouTube videos with the smallest budget possible using free tools and software.

Module Three: Niche Selection

Jet Video Academy Review

In this module, you will learn the different types of channels you can create and how each works to help you earn passive income.

The real way to make money on the YouTube platform differs from Ad revenue.

How you can choose a channel name that can help you maximize your income profits.

Module Four: Channel Setup

Jet Video Academy Review

In this section, you will learn what you need to do to get up to 300% more views on your YouTube channel.

This includes what you should do to increase your traffic and followers on your YouTube channel.

You will also learn how to double your number of Subscribers on every video you post on your YouTube channel.

The module also covers customizing your settings, channel art, defaults, and other available brands.

Module Five: Creating Quality Content

Jet Video Academy Review

In this section, Greg teaches you how to make your videos evergreen to get a flowing passive view.

You will learn the closely guarded secrets that help you find less competitive keywords that no one is targeting.

The program also teaches you tricks that you will use to ensure no one is targeting your thumbnails and titles to drive clicks and view online.

In the last video of this module, you will learn how to fast edit your videos for free using their recommended free tools online.

Module Six: Maximizing Video Performance

Jet Video Academy Review

Greg teaches you how to maximize your video performance which helps you boost your channel by up to 50%.

In the process, you will learn how to enter your descriptions and put your tags, enabling your videos to rank high on search.

Greg concludes the module by taking you through the tricks you can apply in the settings to help you get 20% more revenue in your YouTube Channel.

Module Seven: Maximizing Your Profits

Jet Video Academy Review

In this section, you will learn how to get your Channel monetized on YouTube quickly and start earning money.

The non-obvious thing you can do is make 10x your Ad revenue, such as $1,000 ad revenue a month, or move to up to $10,000 extra every month.

Module Eight: YouTube Shorts Secrets

Jet Video Academy Review

In this section, you will learn how to explore your Channel with YouTube shorts that consist of super viral video shorts that take less than 60 seconds.

You will learn how to make your channel with zero subscribers build up to 5,000 subscribers when you only post shorts on your channel.

You will also get access to real examples of short videos and case studies from the platform and other channels.

Module Nine: YouTube Studio and Analytics

Jet Video Academy Review

In this section, you will learn how to use YouTube Analytics to help you determine how your best videos can do so well on the platform.

This will help you understand how to maintain the same success in your next videos.

You will learn how to get YouTube to help you discover your video topic ideas that can attract many views, making you worry less about running out of ideas.

Learning YouTube Studio and Analytics will also help you determine if your channel is doing well on the platform.

If not, you will be provided reasons why the channel is not doing quite well to help you learn how to adjust to enable your channel to perform.

Module Ten: Getting your First 1000 Subscribers Fast

Jet Video Academy Review

This is the last section of the course, where you will learn how to get your first 1,000 subscribers on YouTube.

The program also teaches you how to use community posts and YouTube stories, which will help you get new people to subscribe to your channel.

The module concludes by following a step-by-step checklist of quickly getting up to 4,000 watch time on your channel.

Jet Video Academy bonuses

In addition to the course modules, the program also offers students the following bonuses:

Proven Profitable Niches

Jet Video Academy Review

The program offers you up to ten niches you can choose to help you start your YouTube channel today.

According to the program, anyone without any experience may find challenges in identifying the best niche that works well for them.

For this reason, the program provides you with niches you can use to start your channel and be successful online.

Niche Channel Examples

Jet Video Academy Review

In the ten niches highlighted in the program, two niche channel examples are provided, enabling you to learn how to start yours.

In addition, it helps you visualize the kind of channel you need to have based on the niche you choose in the platform.

You will also be able to see the type of videos you need to make and how the channel examples make money out of the videos in the niche.

Thumbnail Templates

Jet Video Academy Review

In this bonus, the program provides up to 10 clicks through thumbnails to help you generate high clickthrough rates online.

The program includes best-converting thumbnail templates, which you can copy to get high clickthrough rates.

According to the program, this is one of the most important things you cannot omit when you want to successfully run your YouTube channel.

1000 Subscribers Fast Start

Jet Video Academy Review

This is the last bonus in the program that helps you get your first 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel.

You will learn the best methods to get your first 1000 subscribers, exactly what the program does with new channels.

RECOMMENDED: How to Make Money on YouTube WITHOUT Recording Videos

Who Are The Owners Of Jet Video Academy?

Jet Video Academy Review

Jet Video Academy is owned by Greg Kononenko and Alen Sehovic, who launched the academy program in 2020.

When creating the course, Greg only had about 73,000 subscribers, while Jet had about 35,000 subscribers in their channel.

As of 2023, they have managed to grow their channels, with Greg hitting more than 394,000 subscribers while Jet getting more than 413,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Greg Kononenko is a highly experienced SEO specialist, a blogger, and a digital marketer, making him an excellent Youtuber.

He has reached a monthly viewership of more than 400,000 on his channel and continues to grow rapidly as he uploads more videos.

He uses various income-generating methods on YouTube, including views, affiliate marketing, and Ad revenue.

The primary purpose behind launching Jet Video Academy is to assist you in establishing and monetizing your YouTube channel, empowering you to start earning money online.

On the other hand, Alen Sehovic is a highly skilled Youtuber who earns a passive income on his YouTube channel.

In partnership with Greg, Alen strives to guide you in building a thriving YouTube channel that enables you to generate passive income online.

What Is Jet Video Academy Pricing?

Jet Video Academy Review

Initially, Jet Video Academy used to cost up to $497, a one-time payment that enabled you to learn the entire course.

However, the pricing was reduced and currently, the program only charges you $77 for learning the entire course.

When you pay, you will get access to the course modules, where you will begin your training instantly.

The program, however, offers a refund of the registration fee for students who would like to quit the course after making their payment.

In the refund policy. You can request your fee within thirty days from the day you made your payment.

When you request a refund after completing the course or after spending more than thirty days in the program, you cannot reclaim it.

To request a refund, simply contact the program customer support team, which promises to ask you no questions.

If your request is approved, you will get up to 100% of your fee refunded to your wallet.

Is Jet Video Academy Legit?

In my opinion, Jet Video Academy is not a scam; the program can help you earn a passive income on your YouTube channel.

However, the program is not for anyone wanting to make money online.

The course only targets individuals who want to make money online by creating and uploading videos on YouTube channel.

The program focuses on teaching you how to make money on YouTube through views, ad revenue, and affiliate marketing.

In this scenario, it is essential to be interested in launching your YouTube Channel business and generating a passive income from it.

The program covers certain money-making concepts on YouTube that can be accessed online for free.

Consequently, some individuals might opt for free online resources to learn the business model.

Nevertheless, the program offers several advantages over free online training, including a comprehensive explanation of the concepts and additional bonuses.

These benefits make the program more advantageous for those seeking to gain a deeper understanding and maximize their potential for success.

Jet Video Academy Review

What I Like About Jet Video Academy

  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Jet Video Academy Review

The Jet Video Academy program considers all the risks you face while training on the platform.

The program offers you a thirty-day money-back guarantee if you wish to quit after purchasing the course.

  • Offers up to four bonuses to traders

When you successfully complete your training in the program, you will qualify for their bonuses aimed at helping you earn on YouTube.

The bonuses include up to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube as a fast start method, thumbnail templates, and channel examples, among others.

All these bonuses are available on YouTube for every student in the program, irrespective of your business niche.

  • Exclusive coaching and mentorship

The support team from the program provides you with the opportunity to have one-on-one advice from them.

Their extensive training and considerable experience enable them to address any inquiries you may have regarding the course and your business with expertise and confidence.

So, if you are not sure about anything or need help, you should not hesitate to ask questions to the support group.

  • Detailed training

The program provides detailed training consisting of ten modules that contain up to 41 videos that cover the entire course content.

This detailed training helps you move from zero skills and grow to become a successful YouTube channel owner.

In addition, you will get all the necessary resources required to run your channel provided and well-explained in the program.

What I Don’t Like About Jet Video Academy

  • YouTube Channel competition is high.

Even with your channel running on YouTube, you must still put in more effort and wait much longer to start earning from the platform.

This is caused by high competition on the YouTube platform, which keeps rising as many people join the business.

In addition, you must develop ideas to help you overcome the high competition to earn more on the platform.

  • Jet Video Academy keeps successful channel types undisclosed.

The program does not clearly identify the type of channels that succeed more with their strategies in the platform.

This makes many people question their credibility, as it may not be possible for their strategy to be working best in all the available niches.

Usually, strategies work on specific niches in the YouTube channel business, targeting only creators from the specified category.

Related Review: The Profitable Channel

Is There Any Alternative To Jet Video Academy?

Are you eager to embark on a path to YouTube success without spending a fortune?

Discover an exciting alternative training that will empower you to create a thriving YouTube channel.

If you’re ready to take action immediately, seize this opportunity to access our Free Training immediately!

Ever pondered the possibilities of affiliate marketing, where you can promote products and services from renowned companies?

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Even more appealing is that it welcomes beginners looking to make their mark in the online business world.

But don’t just take my word for it; explore and learn more about this fascinating opportunity here:

Jet Video Academy Review

FAQs about the Jet Video Academy

Do I Need Any Traffic Budget To Start My YouTube Channel?

Starting your YouTube business is free and doesn’t require paying for any advertising when you join the program.

The program teaches you the strategies to get up to 100% free views on the YouTube platform.

In the strategies, you’ll get free views according to your niche.

Do I Need Any Expensive Equipment In The Jet Video Academy?

You don’t need to hire any expensive hardware or software tools when running your YouTube channel.

You only need a simple computer or laptop and edit all your videos using free software.

However, you can optionally improve your content quality by hiring a simple microphone that costs less than $30.

Do I Need To Be On A Camera When Creating My Channel?

According to the program, you don’t need to show yourself on camera to succeed in the channel.

You can create and publish videos on your YouTube channel without showing yourself on camera.

For this reason, the decision to show yourself on camera remains optional.

Do I Need Any Technical Skills Or Experience To Join The Jet Video Academy?

Jet Video Academy welcomes both beginners and professionals.

The training is created to take you through from zero to become a successful marketer online.

You will, therefore, learn and acquire the skills you need to succeed in your business from the program.

Am I Free To Ask Questions In The Jet Video Academy?

The program offers a detailed course with everything you need about the YouTube channel business.

The program allows you to ask questions and get support from their Facebook mastermind and coaching group.

Thank you for reading my Jet Video Academy Review.

Do you have any questions or concerns regarding this review?

Feel free to leave us a comment in the section below.


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