Simplified Dropshipping Review – Is It Worth The Price?

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Hello! Welcome to my Simplified Dropshipping Review.

The online industry offers you lots of money-making opportunities.

However, there is a challenge in distinguishing between legit and scam from these opportunities.  

In fact, the online sphere has several programs if you wish to venture into an eCommerce business.

One of these programs is Simplified Dropshipping.

Scott Hilse, a digital entrepreneur, and YouTuber created this dropshipping training course.

But before I take you through the Simplified Dropshipping Review, I want to remind you that I am not affiliated with Simplified Dropshipping.

This article is mainly for review purposes; therefore, you should expect an unbiased and truthful review.

With that in mind, let’s jump in.

Overview Of Simplified Dropshipping Review

Name of the Product: Simplified Dropshipping

Website’s URL:

Type of the Product: Dropshipping course

Founder: Scott Hilse

Product Rating: 4/10

Cost of the Product: $497

Recommendation: Not Recommended.

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

Summary Of Simplified Dropshipping

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Simplified Dropshipping is an online training course created by Scott Hilse.

This program will charge you expensively, yet you can still get the same information freely from other online platforms.

Allegedly, Scott Hilse is a typical YouTube content creator and has been flaunting his riches.

Although eCommerce is a good business idea, Scott is not an ideal source of information on an eCommerce business.

In that regard, you can still venture into budget-friendly alternatives that don’t demand a lot of money from you.

And if you need one of those opportunities, then check out the below section:

Simplified Dropshipping Review

What Is Simplified Dropshipping?

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Simplified Dropshipping is an eCommerce program that will train you on how to make money online by focusing on equipping you with dropshipping skills.

As opposed to other dropshipping courses, Hilse’s dropshipping course will focus on how to use a single product in your dropshipping business as the name suggest; Simplified Dropshipping.

Before we dive into the details of the course, you should know that the course is going to last about 3 hours long.

It would have been a good starter course, but one caveat is that it’s expensive.

What Makes Simplified Dropshipping Course Unique?

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Scott claims that the step-by-step video tutorials make his course stand out.

These video tutorials are not only easy to follow but also highly efficient. 

Furthermore, they are less overwhelming and can deliver fast results because it uses a one-product approach and Freedom Funnel.

Allegedly, Scott states that he built his entire dropshipping business from scratch.

So, he’ll give you the privilege of having an inside view of his business, and you’ll learn how he does this business.

He claims that since we live in a world dominated by simplicity, so does the dropshipping business should be.

Also, Simplified Dropshipping is very simple because you can create your store, prepare your inventory and launch your ad.

Additionally, you can make your sale within your first 24 hours of joining.

Also Read: eComm Clubhouse Review

Who Is Scott Hilse?

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Scott Hilse is a known YouTuber and dropshipping entrepreneur featured in most of Oberlo’s video tutorials.

You would easily recognize him in the videos on his YouTube channel.

This channel has given him a sizeable audience on social media.

Currently, he has over 90K subscribers on the channel.

Most of the content in his channel talks about dropshipping strategies, while others cover motivation and mindset training.

In this training course, Scott focuses on the sale of a single product to make it otherwise known as a one-product approach.

He also uses an approach that allows you to work virtually from anywhere and at any time.

He calls this approach “Location Neutral Income Automation.”

Scott Hilse is also affiliated with Tai Lopez, Oberlo, and Shopify.

Apart from featuring in Oberlo’s course (Oberlo 101 Dropshipping), he is also a member of Tai’s 300 Party.

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Simplified Dropshipping Review

The Simplified Dropshipping Course Breakdown

Currently, there are two versions of this dropshipping course:

I. Simplified Dropshipping 5.0

Simplified Dropshipping Review

This is a paid version of the course.

It has 34 lessons and 2 bonuses.

In this version, you’ll cover:

  •  Introduction & History
  • Dropship eye/mentality
  • Product research and pricing structure
  • Choosing your product
  • Naming your store & buying a domain
  • Building the skeleton of your store
  • What Shopify plans to choose from
  • Connecting your domain
  • Importing your first product
  • Inner working site build
  • Test order
  • Shipping set up
  • Facebook page build
  • Business, Add, and pixel account setup
  • Apps
  • What to understand before launching Facebook Ads
  • Overview of Facebook ads
  • Building your Ad
  • Facebook Ads strategy 1 explained
  • Big Dog Facebook strategy part 1 
  • Order fulfillment
  • Customer feedback score and survey delay
  • Big Dog Facebook strategy parts 2,3 & 4
  • Big Dog Facebook strategy part 5 plus LAAs
  • Managing your Facebook Ads
  • What to do if your product does not work
  • Testing products freely with TikTok
  • When and how to outsource
  • When and how to form an LLC
  • Apps to scale with
  • Free targeted page likes from your Ads
  • Outro

There are also two bonuses:

Bonus 1: free access to Simplified Dropshipping FB group.

Bonus 2: lifetime access to other versions of Dropshipping, new updates, and videos.

II. Simplified Dropshipping 5.5

Simplified Dropshipping Review

This is the most recent version of Simplified Dropshipping, which Scott claims to be free.

Scott has included how to create and launch your dropshipping business free in this update.

To access the free version of the course, you must watch the video on the program’s landing page because it has directions on accessing the free version.

The free version has been simplified into 17 lessons as follows:

  •  Intro & History
  • Dropship eye/mentality
  • Signing up for a Shopify
  • Free product research
  • Naming your store and getting a domain
  • Building your store’s skeleton
  • Linking your domain
  • Importing your first product
  • Building your store
  • Test Order
  • Order Fulfilment
  • Apps
  • Building your TikTok
  • Launching your TikTok/Free Advertising
  • What to do if your product work/doesn’t work
  • Store update
  • Finale 

 How Much Does This Course Cost?

As I mentioned, there are two versions of this program, version 5.0 and version 5.5.

The variation between the two versions is the number of lessons.

Version 5.0 has 34 lessons and bonuses, while version 5.5 has 17 lessons.

Although Scott claims that Simplified Dropshipping version 5.5 is free, the cost of version 5.0 is quite expensive because you’ll pay $497 to access the course.

However, you don’t have to pay $497 to access this course because other platforms give you free access to the same information.

That is why I’ve always supported a venture that can offer you a sustainable return without the need to invest heavily.

If you’re headed in that direction, then you can take a few minutes of your time to see this opportunity that I’ve been using:

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Does Scott Offer A Refund?

Simplified Dropshipping Review

Simplified Dropship doesn’t offer any refund policy.

So, before investing in this program, be aware of it.

Is Simplified Dropshipping Worthy Of Your Consideration?

Scott has lots of passion and enthusiasm for the dropshipping business.

However, his interest may not align with yours.

He might have succeeded in his dropshipping business in the past.

But his success does not guarantee you success.

Depending on your commitment to your business, you can make less, the same, or more.

Dropshipping is a good online business that can help you build your online wealth, but this course is not worthy of consideration.

It is expensively sold, yet you can get free access to the same information online.

Even though he gives you an inside view of his dropshipping business, he does not support these claims with verifiable evidence.

Simplified Dropshipping is a viable training course but very risky for you to invest too much in Facebook Ads.

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What I Like About Simplified Dropshipping

  • Scott gives you access to his winning ads

In most cases, eCommerce entrepreneurs rarely disclose the products and ads that give them profits.

However, Scott Hilse takes you through the products and ads from which he has made huge gains.

  • It is easy and highly efficient.

This course will teach you how to build a dropshipping business with a focus on one product, the use of Freedom Funnel.

  • It is very simple

Simplified Dropshipping is simple to allow you to set up your store, create a fan page, and easily launch your adverts.

What I Don’t Like About Simplified Dropshipping

  • It is very short

This training program doesn’t provide thorough training that could match its cost.

It doesn’t clearly show how Scott achieved his dropshipping success.

He makes more money from the course than from the actual dropshipping business.

  • Scott uses the Clickbait technique

Scott uses the clickbait technique to attract his viewers’ attention and increase his chances of making sales.

This red should raise your eyebrows because flaunting riches does not give you the credibility of this course.

  • Most emphasis is on Facebook Training

This course only focuses on using Facebook Ads to generate traffic; however, this is not the only traffic source.

There are various sources you can get traffic for your dropshipping business.

For Example, include SEO, Instagram influencers, and Google shopping.

  • Very expensive 

Even though Scott gives you two versions of the course to choose from, paying $497 is not worth the paid version.

You can still get the same content offered in this course at a cheaper cost or even free and still get the same or even better value than Simplified Dropshipping.

For instance, YouTube has a lot of valuable information you can leverage on and build a successful business.

Is There Any Alternative To Simplified Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is one of the viable eCommerce business models that can help you make passive income.

However, Simplified Dropshipping may not be the best opportunity for you to learn about dropshipping because it only gives you the basics of dropshipping.

And this basic information can be found on free sources like YouTube.

But if you need an alternative to this business model, you can consider affiliate marketing.

This great business opportunity is a lucrative opportunity that I have personally proven and tested.

While on the same, I need to inform you that this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; therefore, you should be ready to get to real work.

With affiliate marketing, you may decide to promote a service or product from a genuine company or organization and get a commission out of any successful sale.

But before you can get there, you’ll need to build your business gradually; don’t expect to earn a million dollars in a single day.

Are you interested in this business opportunity, and don’t have an idea about the right place to start?

Don’t be worried; I’ve got you covered.

I’ve tabled a full blueprint in the below section that will enable you to get started:

Simplified Dropshipping Review

FAQs About Simplified Dropshipping

Is Simplified Dropshipping a scam?

No, it is not a scam.

This genuine training course can equip you with the basic skills of dropshipping business.

However, I do not recommend this program as your best option.

There are other online business opportunities that you can opt for without risking too much money.

Is Dropshipping a viable business opportunity?

Dropshipping is a viable business opportunity, but you will have to work extra hard to make it work for you.

This is because dropshipping business has a lot of competition, making it difficult for you to make sales.

Is there any risk involved in this business model? 

You are going to risk lots of money in this business model.

First, you are going to meet the cost of the advertisement.

In this case, you’ll be using Facebooks Ads, which are very expensive.

Additionally, this business does not guarantee you any success.

Is this business model location oriented?

No, it is a location-neutral business that you virtually operate anywhere.

This will work for you irrespective of your location.

Attached below is a video review of Simplified Dropshipping:

Thank you for taking the time to read this review.

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