The Flip Secrets Review – Is Jake Leicht Legit Or A Scam?

The Flip Secrets Review

Hello, it’s my pleasure to have you read The Flip Secrets Review. 

This review might answer your questions if you are a real estate investor or want to join the property flipping business.

The Flip Secrets claims to make everything simple for you as a strategy to help you become a successful flipper.

According to the program, a flipping business doesn’t require you to have capital or experience in any construction part.

The program claims to teach you strategies for conducting your flipping business using other people’s money, abbreviated as OPM.

From the program, you’ll only require the secrets provided by the company to help you run the business locally or remotely.

As such, the program teaches you all the secrets when you become a member and helps you get started.

But to unravel the truth about this program, I’ll walk with you step-by-step to shed more light on this program.

Remember that I’m not in any way related or affiliated with The Flip Secrets.

Let’s slide in…

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The Flip Secrets Review Summary

Name of The Product: The Flip Secrets

Type of the Product: Real Estate Program

Product Website:

Founder: Jake Leicht

Product Rating: 30/100

Product Cost: From $11,000

Recommendation: No

The Flip Secrets Review – Overview

The Flip Secrets Review

Most real estate businesses are always known to be hard because they require hard work for you to succeed.

In addition, it can also be overwhelming to work with organizations and some selected clients, especially during the purchases and sales of properties.

For instance, The Flipping Secrets is a house-flipping program that claims to help you generate passive income in real estate.

According to the Flipping Secrets, you don’t have to invest your money in the business to earn money, as in the cases of other investment models.

The program uses the OPM (Other people’s Money) technique to help you make money remotely or locally as desired.

With the technique, the program claims to have great tactics with the most effective strategies that work perfectly in the market.

The program only requires you to learn how to implement the game plan they have to help you change your life.

Also, you’ll effectively dominate the competition if you perfectly implement their strategies in the market.

This involves applying the strategies the way they do in flipping houses.

But if you’re looking for a more exciting and genuine opportunity to earn money, then check this out!

The Flip Secrets Review

What Are The Flip Secrets?

The Flip Secrets Review

The Flipping Secrets is an online program that offers you training to flip houses.

The program was created by Jake Leicht, who still owns the company.

The program teaches you how to use Other People’s Money, also known as OPM, to teach people how to flip money.

Other people’s money (OPM) is essential when flipping houses as it helps fully or partially finance the entire process.

This includes renovating the houses and selling them to new owners after flipping.

This means you’ll purchase the houses at a lower price and sell them much higher to earn profits.

After you successfully sell the houses, you’ll build an optimized margin of profits which can help you scale your business further.

According to Jake, you can do the business as your part-time hustle or a full-time career and are also free to do it locally or remotely as desired.

As it may seem, it is an opportunity to earn money online without spending money.

You also don’t need any construction work experience or real estate licensing.

However, you need to understand perfectly how house flipping works.

This will enable you to know if using the OPM in-house flipping is an opportunity that can make you earn a passive income and become successful.

How Do The Flip Secrets Work?

The Flip Secrets Review

The Flipping Secrets program enables you to get started in three steps:

Step One: Submit Your Application Request

First, you must submit your application to the program through registration.

The application will be forwarded to the Flip Secrets mentorship team for review.

Step Two: Schedule A Call

Upon receiving your application request, the mentorship team will make a call on their confirmation page.

As such, you must show up for your time when you are in session for the expert team to converse with you.

Step Three: Join The Flip Family

This is the last stage where you can join the program if you are a good fit to receive services.

After being granted to join the family, you’ll begin by learning the exclusive strategies available in the program.

From there, you’ll be introduced to the program expert team led by Jake Leicht, who is highly experienced in house flipping using OPM.

Jake will teach you the strategies used in the house-flipping business that you need to use to start your business.

As a house flipper, you’ll buy a property at a lower price, probably poorly managed.

You will then repair and renovate the property to regain its normal marketable condition and sell it more to make profits.

Your selling price should therefore cover both the buying price and renovation cost for you to make profits.

You must search for a private lender to provide the finance to purchase the property.

The money you borrow should cover both the buying and renovation prices to enable you to manage the business successfully.

According to Jake, the financial strategies used most in the business include forming partnerships and engaging with private money lenders and private lenders.

RECOMMENDED: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

What Is Contained In The Flip Secrets Program?

Here are what you will get when you join the Flip Secrets program:

Module One: The OPM Playbook

In this course, Jake teaches you how to do house flipping using other people’s money.

He introduces you to house converting and how you can do business with OPM, as the program claims.

He will also take you through the risks of house flipping using other people’s money.

Mistakes To Avoid When Using OPM In-House Flipping

Because the business model is associated with many risks, there are some mistakes you must avoid to succeed:

  • Conducting Inadequate Research

You must start the business model with adequate research, especially when using OPM.

To ensure you make your business more profitable, you need good planning and enough research before you launch the business.

This involves researching to know in detail the market in the local area and analyzing the potential value of the properties available.

Before analyzing your potential income, you must also determine the renovation and repair services expenses.

  • Targeting Higher Profits

When you start the business assuming you will make higher profits, it may lead to more problems.

For instance, it may force you to borrow more from investors or private lenders to finance your business.

When you are in great debt, you might find it challenging to repay the loans, especially when the business needs to meet your profit expectations.

The challenge of defaulting on your loan might also be caused by a delay in the sale of the property or when it does not sell at your price.

This may make your business fail or limit you from scaling to make your desired amounts.

  • Never Underestimate The Cost Of Repair And Renovations

Sometimes, the renovation cost might be too high than you expected, and you have to spend much more money.

When you underestimate the expenditure on the process, it might cost too much money, reducing your potential profit.

It may also make you incur unexpected losses if you spend more in the process, and the property goes at a lower profit than expected.

  • Poor Management Of Cash Flow

Managing your cash flow is very important, especially when budgeting for your expenses.

You must ensure your money is sufficient to cover all available expenses, such as repaying your investor and emergency expenses.

You will get a lower profit outcome from the business when you overspend or sometimes incur losses.

This is a great challenge, especially for beginners who still need to gain business experience.

  • Having A Poor Business Plan

House flipping with other people’s money requires you to have a solid business plan for you to succeed.

Your plan must include a timeline, the entire budget, and the business strategy suitable for the investment.

Before you can transact with your lender, you need to have a great deal locked to enable you to secure the money.

Module Two: The Lead Generation Techniques

Jake teaches you how to create successful leads on the platform in this section.

According to the program, you can get as many properties as possible with successful leads.

Jake claims that his lead generation tactics will help you get the properties to sell even when you are asleep.

This is a strategy to help you overcome the stiff competition and grow your business despite the lower market share.

Module Three: Creating Connections With Contractors

In this section, Jake teaches about finding the best workers to do business with.

This includes identifying and forming a business relationship with more profitable workers online.

Jake says it is much easier to scale up your business if your workers are more profitable.

It will help you minimize the chances of incurring losses in your business and help you maximize your outcome business.

Module Four: Exiting Strategy Essentials

This section will teach you how to get out of the strategies and receive your payment.

Questions and answers in this section will enable you to learn more about the program.

Also Read: The Simplest Biz Review

Who Is The Owner Of The Flip Secrets?

The Flip Secrets Review

Jake Leicht, an experienced house flipper, founded Flip Secrets.

Jake created the program in 2018 after spending time in the real estate business in 2012.

He claims to have flipped more than 900 properties in real estate using the OPM technique.

Jake claims that he got inspired more when he found himself living with successful people who were house flippers.

At first, Jake was a salesperson who quit his job to launch a business with his ownership.

Today, Jake claims to be a successful house flipper with advanced skills and experience in the business.

He uses his advanced knowledge to offer mentorship and coaching services to the upcoming flippers to help them succeed.

What Is The Cost Of Joining The Flip Secrets?

The flip Secrets program does not mention any price for joining the program on their official website.

According to testimonies who claim to have met their success from the company, the tag price ranges between $11,000 to $30,000.

This means that the price ranges from one person to another and is not constant for everyone.

For this reason, it is essential to call their expert team to get the quoted price you must pay.

The price to join the program will depend on the services you inquire about and your problem capacity.

Is The Flip Secrets A Scam?

The Flip Secrets Review

Flip Secrets is not a SCAM.

The business model may be challenging, despite Jake making it sound easy.

The resources Jake uses to teach the course are already made free online, which makes no sense to go for the training in the first instance.

While putting together the training, Jake tries to make the house-flipping business as simple as possible.

However, before deciding, you must consider the risks associated with the house-flipping business.

Let me take you through some risks associated with the house flipping business:

  • Too Much Borrowing

Running your house-flipping business, especially when using 100% OPM, puts you at risk of borrowing too much.

This increases your debt, which may sometimes become a challenge to pay back.

When you default on paying your loans or fail, you will reduce your credit score and face legal action.

It is a great challenge that can lead to the collapse of your business and mostly occurs when you need help managing your funds.

  • Limited Control

Sometimes, you might partner with lenders who will want to direct you on the timelines and choice of contractors that do not interest you.

This may need to be clarified for the business, making them lose interest in everything.

You should have all your strategies laid out first when you want to run your business smoothly.

It will help you in making agreements with different partners in the business.

  • Legal Issues

Many regulatory issues associated with the flipping business may limit you from running the business smoothly.

Issues such as building codes, zoning regulations, and permit issuing make the business more challenging as they involve the legal authorities.

  • Volatility In The Market

Sometimes, the real estate market may appear more volatile, forcing you to sell your property for a lower price than expected.

Because running the business with OPM requires you to repay the money back in time, selling the properties at a throwing price makes you face risks.

The risks include lowering your profit margin or incurring unexpected losses in your business.

  • Unbudgeted Expenditure

Sometimes, you might face hidden programs that could be more predictable when drafting your budget.

This forces you to allocate some money for such emergencies that, when occur, always limit the profit margins and may also make you incur losses.

All these risks are associated with the flipping business; you must know and find ways to overcome them.

This involves weighing the risks and the rewards and seeing where you will likely fall.

When you are more on the reward side, well and good, consider joining the business and scaling it up to make your life.

However, when you are most likely to fall on the risks side, joining the business model may not benefit you.

Try another cost-effective business model online to help you make money and achieve your financial goals.

If you’re looking for the best alternative to this program, feel free to check out this:

The Flip Secrets Review

What I Like About The Flip Secrets

  • Jake has outstanding experience in house flipping.

Jake Leicht shares much experience with the house flipping business with his affiliates.

This enables all the flip family members to gather everything they need to know about the business to help them get started and succeed.

According to the numerous testimonies, Jake is being reviewed as the root of their success through his teachings.

  • The flipping business is focused on OPM.

When you join the Flipping business, you will not have to spend your money, especially if you don’t have enough.

You will focus on other people’s money OPM to run your business and make profits.

The other people’s money can be from private lenders or other money-lending parastatals near you.

  • High-Profit Margin

When you join the Flipping business from scratch, you will have a higher profit margin as the price of the properties is always high.

By dealing with high prices, you will be making sales of a higher amount of money that scales up your profits.

This means that the profit you will be making will be of higher margins than other online businesses.

What I Don’t Like About The Flip Secrets

  • Associated with high risks

As mentioned earlier, the flipping business is associated with many risks.

The different types of risks may limit you from succeeding in the business and expose you to many other problems.

For instance, if you use OPM to run your business, you might have problems with the legal authorities if your loan defaults.

  • Not a good option for beginners

The flipping business requires people who have significant experience in real estate investment.

You must have the required experience to manage your funds from lenders effectively.

This may make you spend more on the purchase and renovation cost limiting you from making higher profits as expected.

  • It does not mention the price tag

Flip Secret program needs to mention the entry price on its website page.

This makes it difficult for people to know how much they are required to pay before joining the program to help them make decisions.

In addition, the price range mentioned by the testimonies is too expensive for many individuals interested in joining the program.

Related Review: Astro Flipping

Is There Any Alternative To The Flip Secrets?

Flipping business may not be a cup of tea for everyone, and if you’re part of those sharing the same sentiments, I have got a better option for you.

Have you tried affiliate marketing?

Yeah, this is one of the business opportunities that beginners can take advantage of.

And if you don’t know where to start, then you should NOT be worried.

I’ve gone out of my way to break down the steps that you’ll need to follow to get started.

If you don’t mind, check out this blueprint to be in the know:

The Flip Secrets Review

FAQs About The Flip Secrets  

Who Is The Flip Secrets Program For?

The flip Secrets program targets people interested in joining the flipping business online.

The program tries to look for profitable people who are able to do house flipping business using people’s money and earn high profits in return.

According to the program, besides being profit-oriented, you need to be trustworthy to help you manage your loans from lenders and increase your credit score.

Does The Flip Secrets Program Offer A Refund Policy?

According to Flip Secrets’ official website page, there is no place where Jake mentions the money-back guarantee service.

For this reason, there is no guarantee that you will receive your money back after paying, even if you decide to quit the program.

Furthermore, the program does not mention the price on the webpage, forcing you to pay the price through the scheduled call.

Does The Flip Secrets Program Offer A Bonus?

There are different bonuses offered in the program, including:

  • The contractor or lender documents and templates.
  • Prebuilt contractor/lender/lead generation scripts
  • Tutorials teaching real-life implementations.

Can I Do House Flipping Business Remotely?

It is possible to do the house flipping remotely and is also allowed by the program.

However, dealing with the organizations or people involved in the business can sometimes take time and effort.

The overwhelming nature of the business escalates more when you are doing it remotely, making the entire investment more complicated.

Thank you for reading The Flip Secrets Review.

Do you have additional comments regarding the review?

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One thought on “The Flip Secrets Review – Is Jake Leicht Legit Or A Scam?

  1. I think that this is false advertising that it is very easy and anyone can flip a house. I strongly believe that it is not easy and it is very expensive with no refund guarantee with many strings attached.

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