Freedom Business Mentoring Review – Is Max Tornow LEGIT?

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

Hello, welcome to my Freedom Business Mentoring Review.

In this review, I’ll let you know if Freedom Business Mentoring can help you launch an online business or another scam you need to avoid.

Many programs claim to offer their affiliates an opportunity to make money online by coming up with different marketable business models.

However, some of the programs end up misleading their affiliates, while other programs only help a few numbers of people who join them.

This means that when you join a program to enroll in training geared towards helping you make money online, there is no 100% guarantee that you will succeed.

But when you take your time to research and study how a program works before giving it a chance of your time and money, you reduce the risk of being misled.

You’ll also stand a chance to succeed in the program as you can figure out if the program is suitable for you.

In this review, I’ll provide you with everything you need to know about the program.

In the program, Max Tornow claims that the course’s main focus is to help people start an online business through consultants and coaching.

I’ll explain who Max Tornow is and his occupation in the program to help you learn more about his background and achievements.

These and much more are my top priorities in the review that I’ll let you know from the program.

But before I begin, I’m not an affiliate of the Freedom Business Mentoring program.

And as such, I’ll offer you unbiased information about the program to help you make a wise decision.

If you have no interest in such a business opportunity and still want to try your luck online, feel free to check out this other alternative.

That said, let’s begin…

Freedom Business Mentoring Review Summary

Name of The Product: Freedom Business Mentoring

Type of the Product: Coaching and Mentoring on Lead Generation

Product Website:

Founder: Max Tornow

Product Rating: 2/5

Product Cost: Starting from $3,000

Recommendation: Not for everyone, read on to find out why from my review

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

Freedom Business Mentoring Review – Overview

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

Max Tornow claims to have helped more than 2,000 clients worldwide learn how to start a business online that can enable them to earn a stable income.

Therefore, if you’re looking forward to launching an online business and need more knowledge on how to start, Max welcomes you to join the program.

In the program, you’ll learn different methods of lead generation and techniques on how to perform them.

Max Tornow focuses more on service providing, consulting, and coaching investors in scaling their businesses and increasing their outcomes.

This includes teaching you how to send messages to a large audience on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

By reaching out to a larger crowd with your messages, you can generate more free leads for your business.

During the mentorship and coaching time, you may not get a chance to talk to Max Tornow as claimed in the program.

The weekly calls are for a group of people, and Max expects everyone under training to receive mentorship through the calls.

If you want to have a private conversation with Max Tornow, you may be disappointed because you’ll not get the opportunity to do so.

But if you’re looking for a better opportunity to set your feet in, then check out this option:

RECOMMENDED: Go here for my #1 recommended money-making program

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

What Is Freedom Business Mentoring?

Freedom Business Mentoring program is a training course that teaches you how to generate leads online.

The program takes twelve weeks to help you learn how to launch your service-based coaching online and earn income.

When you enroll in the program, you learn how to generate traffic online on web users in the available social media platforms.

In the program, Max teaches you every step you should take to make money using the same business model.

For instance, his main target is to help you find high-paying clients online who can pay you between $3,000 and $5,000 monthly.

After joining the program, you can base your training as a consultant, coach, or service provider online.

If you choose one of the three available options in the program, you’ll apply the skills learned to get clients online and earn money.

The program offers free video training that helps learn the following aspects;

  • Every successful business must be built around three major pillars: consulting, coaching, and service-providing opportunities.
  • The reason behind your failures to progress in your business which sometimes makes you work a lot and get very little income in return.
  • How to transition your business into charging premium prices and how it helps you overcome your competitors.
  • Finally, you will learn to grow into a recognized expert online even if you don’t own a large social media brand.

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Who Is Max Tornow?

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

Max Tornow is the founder of the Freedom Business Mentoring program.

He started his coaching career for relationship and dating advice back in 2013.

During his training career, Max could go on a world tour to hold workshops and seminars, majorly in cities in Europe, the US, and Australia.

He started his online coaching in 2016 and managed to generate up to seven figures in the business.

Max launched up to three online products, making him hit the seven figures at the end of the year.

In the beginning, Max sold low-ticket products but later started selling high-ticket products online in 2018.

He continued scaling his coaching business by making further consultations with other business partners who are also experts in mentoring and coaching services.

Max mainly focused on offering online digitalization, scaling, and lead generation services.

He, therefore, formed partnerships with more than twenty full-time experts and scaled two multiple-seven figures online.

They managed to scale the higher income by attracting and servicing more than two thousand clients online.

The members of the Max team include;

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

  • Nikita Gunkewitsch

Nikita is a chief operating officer and also a coach in the program.

An expert seller who will teach you how to make sales without putting more pressure.

Nikita aims to help you make your business effortless for both the client and the coach.

  • Nico Berger

Head of sales and also a coach in the program.

Nico is an expert who mainly deals with coaching you on setting your mindset.

He aims to help you get your full potential from the business by teaching you how to overcome the challenges you may go through.

Nico also teaches you how to develop courage in whatever you do to become the person you aspire to be.

  • Pedro Mendes

Pedro is the head of Strategy and a coach in the program.

He is a chief strategist who will ensure you craft a highly marketable and valid offer that is more relevant to your targeted audience.

Other members of the team include;

  • Peter Lopes, who is a marketing coach and consultant
  • Zack Michael, Mindset Coach, and consultant
  • Alexandra Karpenko, accountability coach
  • Primoz Miklic, head of visual and social media
  • Victor Cezario, talent scout
  • Daniel Shymchenco, a visual creator.

How Can I Join Freedom Business Mentoring? 

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

Before you become a member of the program, you must pass through the sign-up process to get cleared.

The program claims to receive several requests from people who want to join daily.

For this reason, they launched a sign-up process to help guide new applicants in the steps required to join the program.

These steps include;

  • Applying for a free consultation call

In this call, the expert team in the program will ask you a few questions to help them capture your details.

The details of interest in the program include your business goals, the current situation, and the challenges you are going through.

The expert team requires you to be honest and more transparent when providing the details to let them know how they can effectively help you.

  • The Enrollment expert team will give you a call to speak with you.

This is the second step after capturing your details.

In this step, you’ll be able to speak with the enrollment team from the program.

One expert team will therefore call you to discuss your current situation.

The expert will also help you figure out the missions you want to accomplish and the obstacles you may face in your journey.

  • The expert team will choose you to join the program

After speaking with you, the expert person will see if they can help you and choose you to join the program.

If by bad luck, they cannot help you out with your situation, they’ll not offer you the opportunity to join the program.

In most cases, the expert team must clarify your problem or situation.

They, therefore, advise their affiliates to be more transparent and honest when speaking out about their problems to be easily understood.

When they choose you, they’ll send you feedback in your email and allow you to join the program and get trained.

How Does Freedom Business Mentoring Program Work?

The program helps you learn how to launch your online coaching and mentorship business without experience as a beginner.

The program, therefore, breaks down the course into sections, with each section explaining a specific stage of the business model.

What is inside the Freedom Business Monitoring?

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

After joining the program, there are many offers you will get from the program.

These offers include;

  • Proper System and Guidance

In this section, you’ll learn how to build a firm foundation for your business online.

According to Max, you’ll only get faulty results when the system is faulty.

You’ll stand a chance to succeed when you have a proven and trusted game plan executed by the expert team and produced good results.

Starting with such a plan will help you make a big difference in your investment.

  • Speed implementation

Instead of waiting several weeks to reach your perfect time to start your business, the program will help ensure that your clients take action.

This will help you minimize time wastage and keep moving on the same momentum as your business.

  • Developing Skills for a lifetime

When you enroll in the program, you’ll aim to build a permanent change in your life.

The expert team from the program has a well-developed set of skills that will help you in every stage of life when you learn them.

They are also keen on adjusting their set skills to match the changes in the environment and how the business process is done.

  • Winner Community

The program’s expert team offering mentorship and coaching services are all successful people.

Therefore, when you interact with them, you will learn more about their journey to success and become part of their winning community.

In the community, you will learn to think differently about your business, yourself, and the world.

  • Continuous Improvement

The expert team from the program will take part in helping you monitor your business to ensure you have positive progress.

They will also periodically implement new findings in the market to help you keep your business up to date in the changing environment.

This also helps them focus on improving their training mode to match the changing world.

What Is The Cost Of Joining The Freedom Business Mentoring?

If you want to enroll in the program, you’ll have to pay a minimum entry cost of $3,000.

The amount of joining the program will greatly depend on the outcome of the scheduled call.

When the expert team calls to speak to you about your problem, you’ll pay the price your mentor will request you to pay after the call.

The price might be more than the $3,000 price hence should not take as the standard price for everyone who joins the program.

According to Max Tornow, the amount you’ll pay to join the program will be set based on the magnitude of your problems.

When you have more problems, which have put you into a worse situation, expect to pay more than when you have few problems.

The program also has one upsell and allows you to train yourself as a private affiliate.

The available upsell in the program teaches you more about how to manage paid ads on YouTube, social media, and much more.

The upsell cost about $5000 and is available for people who can make up to $10,000.

This means that the upsell is only for some who join the Freedom Business Mentoring program.

When you decide to be a private affiliate, expect to pay more than normal students.

The program includes more training methods for private students and therefore charges them an extra cost.

Freedom Business Mentoring program does not offer any refund policy to its affiliates.

For this reason, when you join the program, there is no guarantee that you can reclaim your money back when you quit it.

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Is Freedom Business Mentoring A Scam?

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

In my opinion, Freedom Business Mentoring is not a SCAM.

The program teaches you a real opportunity to make money online through consultation, mentorship, and service.

However, making money from this program takes work, as Max puts it.

There are a lot of concepts in the program that may mislead many people on the program’s sales page.

The price tag for joining the course is too high for beginners who might have been looking for a program that can help them make money from scratch.

For these reasons, I don’t recommend the program to anyone who wants to launch an online business from zero.

You can join many other cost-effective programs online to help you make money and achieve your goals.

However, if you wish to venture into online business without having to spend a lot of money, then be sure to check out this great opportunity:

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

What I like about Freedom Business Mentoring

  • Provides free training on lead generation.

When you join the program, you’ll learn free lead generation with their social media platforms.

After learning the skills, you will apply them to your business to help you meet your set goals.

  • A unique business models

Freedom Business Mentoring is a unique business model that faces less competition in the market.

This gives you great potential to make more money from the program when you join it.

  • The program has testimonies.

When you open the program’s official website, you’ll get testimonies of their previous students.

The testimonies claim to have managed to achieve their success via the program.

However, you may only partially rely on testimonies in decision-making as there are many other factors to consider.

What I Don’t Like About Freedom Business Mentoring

  • Not a good option for beginners

The program has many things on its sales page that may mislead many people.

Therefore, such things pose a high risk of losing money, especially when you need clarification.

  • It does not offer a money-back service.

Despite the program’s many misleading concepts, it does not offer any refund to its affiliates.

If you cannot take the risk, joining this program may not be a good option.

You cannot reclaim your money after incurring losses in the program.

  • Too much expensive

The program expects every student to pay at least 3000 dollars to join it.

This amount is quite high for many beginners who want to start the business model from scratch.

The program also includes an upsell and private student option, which is more expensive and not accessible to many people online.

  • Varying entry cost.

Freedom Business Mentoring has its price varies depending on your problems.

Because most people are in a worse situation, the varying set price may look abnormal for some students.

This will make the program not accessible to some people who would have managed to pay the minimum entry price.

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Is There Any Alternative To Freedom Business Mentoring?

Before considering any business opportunity, it is paramount to consider your strengths and skills.

In so doing, you’ll be in a better position to enter a business where you’re comfortable and at ease.

Of course, accepting new challenges and opportunities isn’t bad; however, knowing what you’re doing and your end goal is important.

So, for an alternative business opportunity, I’ll encourage you to try your luck in affiliate marketing.

Though it isn’t a new venture, most beginners will find this opportunity exciting and intriguing.

If you’re starting out and want a learning opportunity while earning, then affiliate marketing is the way to go.

Again, affiliate marketing is not complicated because you don’t necessarily sell physical products.

Imagine earning in the middle of the night, or we normally refer to it as “passive income.”

But that is not all.

Before starting, it is important to learn the basics of this venture.

And since I have over 5 years of experience doing this business, I encourage you to check out this guide:

Freedom Business Mentoring Review

FAQs About Freedom Business Mentoring

Who is Freedom Business Mentoring for?

The program I best suitable for people who can take risks in starting an online business.

If you are looking forward to starting a high-ticket business online and can raise the capital required, then this program is looking for you.

Can I join the Freedom Business Mentoring program as a private student?

Yes, the program allows you to study the course as a private student.

However, you will be required to pay extra money to learn the course compared to other students.

If you are ready to pay the extra cost required to learn the course as a private student, you can inform your mentor during the phone call.

Is the upsell compulsory for everyone?

The upsell available in the program is not compulsory for every program member.

You must be eligible for the upsell before purchasing it from the program.

To be eligible, you need to reach more than $10000 in your earnings from the program and pay for $5000.

Does the Freedom Business Mentoring program offer bonuses?

In my research, I have not received any bonus in the program.

In addition, the company only teaches you how to get well-paying clients but does not offer you any business commissions.

Therefore, if you decide to join the program, you should not consider any bonus from the program.

Here is a video review of the Freedom Business Mentoring program, feel free to watch it:

Thank you for reading the Freedom Business Mentoring Review.

Feel free to let me know what you think in the section below.

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