Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing a Scam? – Here’s What You Need To Know!

Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing a Scam

If you’re a newbie just getting started with the hugely profitable world of affiliate marketing, then chances are you’re most likely asking yourself questions such as: “Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing a Scam?”, “Does Affiliate Marketing Work?”, or even “Is Affiliate Marketing a Scam?”


I was new at one point in this business too, asking myself these same types of questions, so I totally understand your concerns.

Well, the good thing is that you should commend yourself for making the decision to do your research first, because what I will do for you is reveal the truth about doing affiliate marketing using Amazon.

One possible reason why you made this decision to look for answers could be because of the constant rise of so many scammers and gurus out there.  

It’s just sickening to see these unethical people pushing their “Amazon Get Rich Quick Scheme” and other fraudulent businesses all over the place, promising you that you will make tons of money in a short period of time.

I have seen this especially with social media ads, and I am guessing that you may have been seeing them yourself, right?

These people give the affiliate marketing industry a bad name and I want to help to change that right now!

So, here’s some good news for you…

Fortunately, not all systems or training you see out there are scams.

You see…

I too was a bit skeptical about this whole make money online game with affiliate marketing when I was just getting started back in 2014.

However, I was fortunate enough to dodge the wolf in sheep’s clothing and discovered a true affiliate marketing training platform/community where ethical affiliate marketers help each other, shared secret tips and tricks, which allows those of us who put true efforts into our business to make real money online.

Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing a Scam?

Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing a Scam

So now with my years of Affiliate Marketing experience, I can confidently tell you right now that: NO, Amazon Affiliate Marketing Is Not A Scam – quite far from it.

In fact, many, many affiliate marketers, including myself uses the Amazon affiliate program to earn our share of revenue online.

It’s absolutely one of the best and legitimate ways to make money online.

If you would like to learn how you can also use Amazon to earn income online for yourself, then you need to continue reading because I am going to direct you to the best affiliate training, tools, resources and the personal help you need to make this a reality.

What Is The Amazon Affiliate Program?

The Amazon Affiliate program (also known as Amazon Associates) is actually one of the first company online that started paying out commissions to anyone who refers a customer to their site.

According to the website, Amazon started their affiliate program back in July 1996.

Other companies such as ShareasaleCommission Junction (Now CJ Affiliate) and Clickbank, started some years after and is now some of the most well-known and trusted affiliate networks around.

They usually pay higher commissions than Amazon, but Amazon is still the most trusted overall.

How To Become An Amazon Affiliate

How To Become An Amazon Affiliate

I am going to show you the easiest way how you can become an amazon affiliate, but before I do that, you want to make sure that you have a website which is already getting some decent traffic to it (at least 100 visitors per day).

The content MUST be original and unique, as this tends to increase your chances of getting approved.

If you do not have enough traffic, Amazon will not accept you into their program.

Amazon wants to ensure that people who they take into their program are able to get other people to their business, so that they make more money.  This way, they will be able to pay you commissions.

Just wanted to give you this heads up because a lot of newbies who are starting out tend to do things the wrong way by applying for Amazon’s affiliate program without yet generating any traffic.

Your first focus MUST be on getting traffic by creating quality content, then you can join affiliate networks afterward.

Ok, let me now show you the simple process of getting set up as an Amazon affiliate.

First, go to this link

Click on the button in the top right hand corner that says “JOIN NOW FOR FREE”

You should now see a form like this:

How To Become An Amazon Affiliate

If you already have an Amazon customer account, simply enter the same email address and password to get set up.

If you prefer to keep your customer account separate from your affiliate account, you can do that too – you’ll just need to use a different email address.

If you don’t have an account, then simply click on the bottom button which says “Create your Amazon account” to create a free account.

Amazon Affiliate Requirements

You will then need to submit your website to Amazon along with your name, website info, phone number, and other personal details.

The phone number you provide will be a way for Amazon to verify your identity, so make sure that the phone number is correct, is turned on, and beside you.

Overall, it’s very easy to get everything set up once you are able to follow the on-screen directions on Amazon’s site.

When you have fully completed the application, Amazon will send you an email letting you know.

They will contact you again within 1-3 business days to let you know if your application has been approved or denied.

Remember, the best way for you to guarantee that your account gets approved by Amazon is that you already have traffic coming to your website and that your content is original and unique.

For a full step-by-step walkthrough on how to become an Amazon Affiliate, I suggest you read this WikiHow article.

You can also ask me direct questions below in the comment section or on the Smart Human Blogger Messenger page here.

Amazon Affiliate Success – Yes, It Does Work!

There are many authentic Amazon Affiliate Success stories happening everyday from people just like you.

For example, the screenshot below is from one of my Amazon niche sites, which is in the home improvement category.

It shows that the site generated $63.22 in the last 30 days.

Not a whole lot of money for a lot of people, however, this is just a simple example to show you that it works.

Amazon Affiliate Success

Amazon shows important metrics such as how many times the links were clicked (red line), when someone ordered an item (yellow line), prices of the items, etc.

There are many other people also earning Amazon commissions online – it’s definitely not just me.

The best places to see real examples are inside of authentic affiliate marketing communities or affiliate marketing Facebook groups.

I have actually created a video showing you examples of other people who have also shared their Amazon affiliate success.

Click the play button to watch the video…

Get Started Making Money With The Amazon Affiliate Program

Now that you have some understanding about how the Amazon Affiliate program works, I want to point you in the right direction.

What I will do is give you access to the right training, tools, and support that you are going to need to excel with Amazon Affiliate marketing.

I will also give you my personal support so that way, if you are ever feeling stuck, I will be there to keep you on track.

If you watched the video above, you may have heard me mentioned Human Proof Designs (HPD) as well as Wealthy Affiliate (WA).

They are both great places to learn affiliate marketing, but they are a bit different.

With Human Proof Designs, they are selling ready made niche sites which does make it a bit more easy to get started out.

However, you have to be prepared to spend several hundred dollars.

You can get more info about the ready made niche sites along with the prices on this page.

This way, you will see if it’s the right fit for you.

Wealthy Affiliate, on the other hand offers quality affiliate marketing training, however, it’s not like HPD where they build the site for you.

You will be the one who is building the website up from scratch by following their step by step training.

They will provide the website builder, keyword tool for finding keywords and doing research, affiliate programs, access to tech support, etc.

The cost is $49 per month, but the good thing is that they give you 7 days to test out the platform for FREE.

That way, you get to try it out and decide if it’s right for you.


So there you have it.  

You now know that Amazon Affiliate marketing is definitely not a scam, plus I have shared with you two top places where you will be able to get quality training and start building up your own profitable online business.

I hope that you got value from what I have shared with you here.

If that is the case, please share this article with a friend or family member.

You can also leave a comment below with any questions you may have.

I will be more than happy to help you out.

Thank you for reading and I am looking forward to seeing you find success with Affiliate marketing.

Your #1 fan,

Jason (Founder) Smart Human Blogger.

2 thoughts on “Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing a Scam? – Here’s What You Need To Know!

  1. Hey!

    Thought that I’d leave a comment. Thanks for taking your time to write this post and share your knowledge with us.

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