Jifu MLM Review: Is This Opportunity A Scam Or Legit?

Jifu MLM Review

Hello and welcome to my Jifu MLM Review.

Perhaps you’ve come across the Jifu MLM program and are thinking about promoting it.

However, you might be wondering if it’s a pyramid scheme or, even worse, a total scam.

If so, then I am here to expose to you the whole truth behind this multi-level marketing program to help you stay informed.

Subsequently, you can decide whether to join or withdraw from the program based on your own rationale and comprehension.

If the program falls short of meeting your criteria, fret not—I’m here to present you with my preferred alternative opportunity.

Whether you choose to concentrate on my suggested alternative or explore a new one, it will pave the way for you to pursue your online work aspirations.

With that in mind, let’s commence…

Sumary Of Jifu MLM Review

Name: Jifu Travel MLM

Type: Multi-Level Marketing program

Official Website: jifu.com

Price: Starts from $100 and an additional monthly fee which depends on the program you choose.

Founder: Bradley Boyle

Overall Rating: 3/10

Recommendation: No, kindly read my review to find out more.

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Jifu MLM Review – Overview

Whether by invitation or discovering a program online, you might find yourself intrigued and contemplating joining after carefully reviewing its assertions.

Take, for example, the Jifu MLM program, which asserts itself as the optimal choice for fulfilling travel adventures and desires.

To discern if it lives up to its claims, investing time to understand its operations and pricing is crucial, as it continues to draw a global audience.

The looming concern, however, is whether these assertions hold true, establishing it as an outstanding travel program or revealing it as a potential scam.

According to the program’s assertions, substantial earnings await those who join and actively engage.

As a prospective money-making opportunity, understanding the path it offers becomes imperative.

Unraveling the steps to construct your foundation within the program and generate a passive income follows suit.

Nevertheless, the reality often deviates from the ease proclaimed by the program.

Success might hinge on the capital invested, assuming it is not a scam.

Operating within space travel, the prospect of consistent earnings might face occasional challenges.

Some individuals achieve success within the program, while others encounter financial setbacks.

However, if you’re looking for another opportunity to make money online, I encourage you to check out this option:

What Is Jifu MLM?

Jifu MLM Review

Jifu MLM is a multi-level marketing company that operates in the traveling niche.

The program was launched back in 2018 and claimed to offer people different opportunities to make money online.

Bradley Boyle is the founder of this multi-level marketing company based on world ventures.

You might be wondering why it is named “Jifu” yet operates in the world of traveling adventure.

Jifu is a Chinese word which when translated in English language, means “a good time” making it a good replacement for a travel adventure.

As a traveling niche company, Jifu company offers traveling packages at much more affordable prices for different clients around the globe.

This makes it more appealing to people who love traveling to different places for adventure, luxury, or any other purpose.

The company claims to have access to different traveling facilities such as rental cars, hotels, excursions, cruises, and condos.

The company also claims to offer its services at discounted prices to enable travelers to easily enjoy its services.

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How Does Jifu MLM Work?

Jifu MLM works by providing traveling services to people across the world.

By having access to different destinations, facilities, and other services related to the traveling niche, the program CLAIMS is the best in the market.

If you want to move to a new place, for any purpose of your choice, the program claims to offer you the best traveling adventure.

However, as a multilevel marketing, the program also offers you opportunities to make money.

For instance, you might not want to travel but are looking for a program where you can work and earn a passive income.

To start earning on their platform, the program requires you to join their partnership community by purchasing their membership.

From there, you can start selling their traveling packages to travelers online and earn a commission from your sales.

This means that you’ll become an affiliate of the program which according to the program can make you become a successful marker.

Being a multi-level marketing company, you can also earn money on the platform through commissions.

In this method, you’ll have to refer friends and invite them to join and purchase the traveling packages available in the program.

This opportunity makes the program more interesting to most affiliates and entrepreneurs who want to use it as a money-making opportunity.

In this method, you’ll not have to struggle a lot in the program as in the case with other opportunities online.

You only have to use their invitation links to search for clients online and get paid based on the number of people you refer to the program.

Nevertheless, the nature of this opportunity occasionally leads to its classification as a pyramid scheme, causing it to lose market share in various regions worldwide.

Does Jifu Travel MLM have A Compensation Plan?

Jifu MLM Review

As stated earlier, the Jifu Travel MLM offers you a way of making money online based on compensation.

There are two compensations available in the platform which include:

Direct Selling

The program offers a ticket-like document in your portal which allows your clients to book their trips using your portal.

This enables you to get up to 50% discount while the clients get the remaining 50% which makes you earn money from the sales.

It is the discounted rates and commissions from these sales that make the program pay you based on your sales.

The Recruitment Commissions

In this program, you’ll invite your friends to join the platform and become members.

From there, you’ll be able to earn up to 50% on your first level of invitation and earn 10% of the commissions on the second level.

There are also some matching bonuses that you’ll earn when you move down to the tenth level in the platform.

For this reason, the more people you invite, the more commissions you’ll earn from the platform.

This also applies to when you make more sales on the platform, you’ll also increase your commissions coming as earnings.

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Who Owns Jifu MLM?

Jifu MLM Review

Jifu MLM is owned by Bradley Boyles who doubles up as the CEO as well.

Bradley is a multi-level marketer with great experience which made him team up to become coach online.

With up to 75% discount on their sales, the program claims to have made it much easier to sell their products and make money.

Most of the customers will get attracted to the huge discount to join and purchase their packages to help you earn from the platform.

For these reasons, the coach urges everyone who wants to make money on the platform not to worry about losing their money.

Bradley started his multi-level marketing career back in 2018 and has owned different programs online.

With his extensive experience, he claims to help you out in ensuring you succeed in making money on their platform.

What Is The Cost Of Joining Jifu MLM?

The cost of joining the Jifu MLM program is not a rounded figure as it contains a recurring fee.

For instance, to start enjoying the travel discounts offered on the platform, you’ll have to pay a one-time fee which is set at $50.

In addition, you MUST pay a recurring fee of $25 every month for you to continue enjoying the program services.

This pricing only applies to people who want to join and enjoy the Jifu Travel membership as their respected clients.

On the other hand, the people who want to join the Jifu travel affiliates have their own unique prices on the platform.

They will have to pay a one-time fee which ranges between $100 and $1,000 depending on your choice of starter pack.

Here are the different starter packs you will get in the platform and their prices:

  • The silver affiliate pack, cost $100 and an additional monthly fee of $30 for you to join the program.
  • The gold affiliate pack costs a one-time fee of $400 and a monthly fee of $40 to join the program.
  • The platinum affiliate pack costs a one-time fee of $600 and an additional monthly membership of $80 to join the platform.
  • The diamond affiliate pack costs $1,000 and an additional monthly fee of $120 to join.

You are the one to choose which program best suits you based on your intentions and desire for the program.

For instance, if you want to join the affiliate program, you’ll have to choose the program option that best suits you on the platform.

This will help you build a good foundation on the platform and start earning money from the platform.

Is Jifu MLM A Pyramid Scheme?

In my view, Jifu MLM is not a pyramid scheme, despite the presence of certain elements that may give that impression.

For a program to be a pyramid, a full pyramid scheme, it may only focus on rewarding you by recruiting more people into their platform.

Such programs don’t have any other program to offer online apart from their referral program which makes their main purpose of existence.

However, the Jifu MLM, they have different packages of traveling products to offer to their clients.

The platform also has more than 1,000,000 hotels and destinations across the world where they used to do business.

They also have access to different places across the world and rent cars in addition to other services related to travel.

This makes them a multi-level marketing company and not fully a pyramid scheme.

On the other side, the company includes a referral program that makes its affiliate members earn money through recruitment.

This program makes it suspicious of being a scheme as most people think of it being a link to the pyramid scheme structure.

In addition, this program made the company banned in some countries that do not allow programs operating as pyramid schemes in their territory.

But if you are joining this platform to make money, you have a choice to choose the best method to do so.

For instance, you may decide to make money on the program by selling their packages and avoid joining the referral program.

From the research I conducted, the program doesn’t force you to join their referral program to make money or get access to any service on the platform.

Is Jifu MLM Legit?

Jifu MLM is a legitimate multilevel marketing company.

You can join the platform and use their programs to make money online or enjoy your traveling adventure.

Based on how the program works, it seems easier to succeed in the program when you are a client looking forward to purchasing their products.

The company offers their products with a huge discount of up to 75% making it much cheaper in the traveling space.

In the case where you join the platform as an affiliate, it may not be easy for you to become rich from the program services.

For instance, their membership program requires you to pay a one-time fee and an additional monthly fee to continue with the program services.

This makes the program more expensive for newbies who want to join the platform and start making money from scratch.

And if you can afford this price, it’ll still take you much longer to start earning a passive income from the program.

This is largely attributed to the high recurring fee charged in the platform and the overcrowded market.

Jason Foster

What I Like about Jifu MLM?

  • Jeffrey and Bradley are experienced

The two owners of the multilevel marketing company have extensive experience in multilevel marketing.

This puts them at the front end in helping people learn how to run different MLM companies.

In addition, they’re mentors and coaches who help their clients and affiliates learn.

  • Offers cheap ways to make money

The most interesting part of the program is that it offers a cheaper way to make money online without struggling.

You will only have to sell their packages and products online to earn money without struggling a lot.

And if you invite a friend into the program, you will also get rewarded by the program for your invitation.

What I Don’t Like About Jifu MLM?

  • Low success rates

Becoming successful in the program is not easy.

And requires you to put more effort in addition to spending more time on the program.

In addition, you must have some experience in multi-level marketing.

  • The program faces stiff competition in the market

There are currently many competitors online who also operate in the traveling space.

Due to this stiff competition, there are some companies selling their products at lower prices.

This makes it difficult to find clients online when working as their affiliates and selling their products.

  • Too Expensive

The program is too expensive for the affiliates to join as compared to other multilevel marketing companies online.

The one-time fee paid in the program seems realistic while the monthly fee makes it more expensive.

It also makes it not applicable to some people with low-income rates.

  • Contains elements of a pyramid scheme

Jifu MLM contains programs that make it seem to be partly a pyramid scheme, especially on their referral program.

For instance, the referral program in the platform allows you to get rewarded when you invite someone.

The commonly known pyramid scheme programs use the same trick to operate.

Is There Any Alternative To Jifu MLM?

Yes, there is a better alternative to this MLM program.

As you have seen, making money from any MLM program can sometimes be a daunting task.

The process and marketing skills needed to bring people on board can pose challenges.

It may not always be easy for them to navigate.

I recommend you jump into affiliate marketing.

This is a business that doesn’t require you to bring anyone on board.

With this business, you’re marketing products or services to people without necessarily buying the products yourself.

And in exchange, you get paid a commission for any sales made.

Isn’t that an interesting business opportunity to try?

I personally think it is because you don’t have to spend a fortune to get started.

FYI, I have been doing this business for more than 6 years, therefore, you can rest assured that you’ll make positive progress once you get started.

And even to make things work quicker for you is a step-by-step guide I have made for you.

Take a few minutes of your time to go through and you’ll not regret it:

FAQs About Jifu MLM

How Many People Can I Invite To The Jifu To Start Earning Money?

According to the Jifu travel platform, you’ll start making money as long as you invite a friend to the platform.

The minimum number of friends you can invite becomes one.

In addition, the amount you’ll earn depends on the friends you invite.

Is Making Money On The Jifu Travel Program A Sure Bet?

In my opinion, making money on Jifu Travel is not as easy as it may sound on their platform.

You might fall on the side of people who make money or on the side of people who lose money on the platform.

It all depends on the effort you put into the platform.

Is There An Age Bracket For Affiliates To Join The Jifu MLM?

Just like other programs, the Jifu Travel MLM doesn’t accept affiliates less than 18 to join their platform.

This goes in line with the rules and regulations governing companies offering money-making opportunities.

If you are not above 18+, you may not be considered qualified to access the services offered on the platform.

Are There Restricted Countries In The Jifu MLM?

Jifu Travel MLM targets to work with people from all parts of the world.

However, there are some countries that do not support pyramid schemes like programs in their places.

This makes it banned in other countries.

Thank you for reading my Jifu MLM Review.

I’ll be happy to get to know what you think about this MLM program.

Leave your comment in the section below.

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